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News 8/5/10

August 4, 2010 News 5 Comments

From: Zagat “Re: REC/HIE rating tool. Have you seen this? On the American Academy of Pediatrics website Dr. Chrisoph Lehmann put together an online tool rating RECs and HIEs. The REC centers are like the mayors in Afghanistan. A lot of cash going in…where’d it go?” To the first point, I had not seen this information and I am intrigued. I’m not clear who is rating the centers, but I assume AAP members. If and when additional members add their comments and ratings it could be a handy resource. And, I’ll give the RECs the benefit of the doubt for now about the money since it’s still early in the game.

The AMA plans to offer NextGen’s EHR and PM solutions on the AMA’s new online platform. The AMA has already partnered with Ingenix to provide CareTracker EHR through the same service, as well as Dr. First for  e-prescribing services.

aids care

AIDS Care (NY) successfully implements e-MDs EHR/PM system.

MedAptus releases its version 10.0 Intelligent Charge Capture suite, which can be run on iPhones and iPads. The new release offers improved PQRI collection and reporting tools.

Also now available for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad: Entrada’s eDicatate application. Spoken medical reports can be captured on the Apple device and transmitted to Entrada’s web-based data center. Voice recognition software then coverts the recordings to text.

A California ER doc relays how she used her iPhone and seven separate applications while treating an 8-year girl for seizures and breathing issues. The apps included Pedi Stat (for dosing,) Eponyms (to learn about the patient’s rare hereditary condition,) Epocrates (to determine what meds to prescribe,) and WeatherBug Elite (to figure out if the weather was acceptable for a helicopter transport.) Says the doctor, “I did all of this without taking my eyes off the child.”

Aprima says they experienced “record growth” in the quarter ending June 30th, adding practices from more than a dozen specialties.


I like this quote from Michael D’Eramo of the Rubicon Group. He stresses that it’s critical for practices selecting and implementing an EMR to rely on a doctor who knows his/her practice’s workflow:

“It’s got to be the lead IT nerd doctor.”

If you have been in HIT for any length of time you know exactly which doctors he’s talking about.

HIStalk Practice traffic was up 39% last month, compared to 2009. At last count, we had 840 confirmed subscribers (more always welcome if you haven’t signed up.) It warms my heart to have so many readers, subscribers, and of course sponsors. By the way, send some love to our sponsors by clicking on their ads and learning more about their offerings. And of course, send some love my way by continuing to read and telling all your HIT buds.

Here’s some not so great news about physicians and medical liability claims. Medical liability claims are filed at the rate of about one per doctor, according to an AMA physician survey. Of physicians 55 years old and older, 61% have been sued. Surgeons and ob/gyns, are sued even more often:  50% of ob/gyns have been sued by age 40 and 90% of general surgeons over age 55 have been sued. Also interesting to note is that when cases go to trial, physicians win 90% of the time. And, 65% of claims are actually dropped or dismissed.


The FDA grants 510(k) clearance on a mobile phone application that helps patients and providers manage Type 2 diabetes. DiabetesManager System by WellDoc allows patients to enter measurements into a phone application and then offers clinical coaching and behavioral algorithms.

Surescripts partners with Microsoft HealthVault to facilitate electronic recording of consumers’ prescriptions. Prescriptions dispensed from pharmacies using Surescripts, will be automatically downloaded into patients’ HealthVault accounts.


E-mail Inga.

Comments 5
  • Chris did start a great resource “Meaningful Use Resources by Territory and State” (http://derm.med.jhmi.edu/AAP_MU/) with the help of AAP’s Council on Clinical Information Technology and the new Child Health Informatics Center. You’re correct, Inga, that the few evaluations thus far are by the members of these AAP groups, but we’d love to get many more evaluations from across the country. Easy 5 star ratings.
    Please add your perspectives.

  • The Meaningful Use Resource and Evaluation site mentioned above can be found here: http://derm.med.jhmi.edu/AAP_MU/

  • Re: REC money. It’s my understanding that most of their funds are reliant on how successfully they perform their mission, that “we don’t get paid till you get paid” thing. I could of course be wrong. Bobby Gladd of the NV-UT REC has been outspoken online in support of the REC mission, and might have some insights to share over at his blog.

  • From: Zagat “Re: REC/HIE rating tool. Have you seen this? On the American Academy of Pediatrics website Dr. Chrisoph Lehmann put together an online tool rating RECs and HIEs. The REC centers are like the mayors in Afghanistan. A lot of cash going in…where’d it go?”

    To clarify, the REC’s don’t start the flow of dollars from ONC until physicians agree to participate with the REC, “go live” and demonstrate meaningful use. It is clearly not a Line Of Credit to be spent at whim! There is definitely no margin on this. And, most importantly, this is “time sensitive” as Dr. David Blumenthal noted in a recent articile (http://www.cmio.net/index.php?option=com_articles&view=article&id=23219&division=cmio)

    It’s all a matter of timing,” he said. “[The] federal government is making a one-time offer. We’ll put money on the table to help you now but we’re not going to put money on the table later. And that’s going to influence thinking of lots of physicians,” said Blumenthal.”

    So the question is….how many providers will take advantage of this federal subsidy or waste the opportunity to get help implementing their EHRs? Only time will tell.

  • Could not find the website Zagat referred to. Please share with us.

    News 8/5/10
    From: Zagat “Re: REC/HIE rating tool. Have you seen this? On the American Academy of Pediatrics website Dr. Chrisoph Lehmann put together an online tool rating RECs and HIEs. The REC centers are like the mayors in Afghanistan. A lot of cash going in…where’d it go?”

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