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From MGMA 10/24/11

October 24, 2011 News Comments Off on From MGMA 10/24/11



If you saw Elvis, then you must in in Las Vegas. Dueling Elvises (Elvi?) were on hand to entertain the MGMA crowds on the opening day. Personally, I thought the younger Elvis was way hotter than the more senior and rotund version. Young Elvis gave me his card, saying, “If you ever need an Elvis, I can hook you up.” Since HIMSS is heading to Vegas in February, I intend to keep his contact info, since one really doesn’t know when you might need an Elvis


MGMA made a big push this year to get the crowds in the exhibit hall on the first day. There was very little competition in terms of educational speakers and the first 1,000 folks to enter the hall got “special” gifts. I must have been #1,001 because I got nada. The hall opened at 1:00 and free drinks and appetizers were on hand beginning at 3:00. Bribery apparently worked, as the traffic did appear heavier to me than in years past. Cirque du Soleil acrobats were also floating about, including this magician. They were fun and entertaining, even though I found the masks a bit creepy.


Plenty of magicians, money-grab booths, and massages were available to attract attendees into booths. My favorite entertainer was the chef at Zirmed, who was mixing up some bruschetta and juggling tomatoes, while also giving a spiel on Zirmed’s “recipe for success.” Now that’s talent.


I also enjoyed the balloon maker at the IDS booth (that’s an octopus above.) Creating balloon animals is also an enviable talent.


Sage is donating $5 to a cancer research organization for anyone who signs on their wall. And, Gateway is giving $5 to the Susan B. Komen for every card they swipe.  Thank you Sage and Gateway.

Another good cause: United Healthcare has markers, crayons, stickers, and all those other fun things you enjoyed in kindergarten and is encouraging attendees to create cards for service men and women. I made a little Christmas card that I thought was quite cheery.


Today’s shoe winner: these little alligator skin beauties worn by a doctor. Angela with CTG was a close second in her knee-high black patent leather boots (I’m sorry I didn’t get a picture.)


I mentioned that Sunday afternoon the exhibitors didn’t have much competition from the standard education sessions. However MGMA did offer 20 minute education sessions in  the Healthcare Innovations Pavilion, which was set up at the far end of the exhibit hall. They appeared to be pretty well attended.  I had intended to sit through a couple but by the time I found the Pavilion (did I mention it was at the far end of the hall?) I had already missed the sessions that most interested me.

I saw a good number of sponsors were displaying their “Power HIStalk” signs, including e-MDs, NextGen, Accusis, Culbert, and Gateway. If you see one of our signs (which are autographed by me, Mr. H, and Dr. Jayne), please join me in thanking the vendor for supporting HIStalk.


Speaking of sponsors, last year Mr. H bought me a monogramed lab coat to wear to our sponsors’ luncheon at HIMSS. I am now kind of wishing he had gotten me this sparkly silver coat instead. It also came in gold, which I think would look lovely on my BFF, Dr. Jayne.

Every HIT vendor was pitching its Meaningful Use certified status. Even the transcription companies were touting how their offerings could help practices achieve Meaningful Use.

In terms of technology, the best new offering I checked out came from Patient Point. The company has a care coordination platform that integrates clinical data from health plans, pharmacy benefit managers, and PM and EMR systems. The data can be used to create customized care plans, coordinate care, identify gaps in care, and monitor quality measures. The company also offers a point of service kiosk and online portal. It may not be the stuff the average practice is quite ready for, but as more organizations move towards PCMHs and ACOs, I can see increased demand for many of the tools they are introducing. Good stuff.

10-24-2011 7-12-05 AM

10-24-2011 7-14-38 AM

The opening reception was well-attended, which is not unexpected when the drinks are free and the food is good. The food choices were diverse, from sushi to pasta to chocolate-covered strawberries.

My picks for Tuesday: Farzad Mostashari leads a session on Meaningful Use and at least one of the many sessions on transitioning to 5010 and ICD-10. I have multiple party choices for this evening (thanks for the many invites) so I’ll be pacing myself (that’s my plan anyway.)

10-24-2011 6-44-40 AM

And finally, lest anyone forget, Vegas is always a excellent place to observe great fashion. As you can see, a girl can never go wrong wearing garter stockings with short shorts.

Inga large

E-mail Inga.

News 10/20/11

October 19, 2011 News Comments Off on News 10/20/11

10-19-2011 2-23-07 PM

Emdeon expands the capabilities of its Emdeon Office Suite to include a Meaningful Use portal, statement automation, electronic patient payments, and analytics reporting.

Phreesia adds SOAPware to its list of Certified Integration Partners following the successful integration between Phreesia’s patient check-in system and SOAPware’s EHR.

10-19-2011 5-19-59 PM

Office Ally, a provider of RCM, PM, and EHR software and services, announces the relocation of its headquarters from Vancouver, WA to San Antonio. Office Ally CEO Brian O’Neill says the move better accommodates growth and provides a “much more friendly business climate.” The company expects to hire 250 employees within six months of its November move.

10-19-2011 5-21-45 PM

Clinical documentation software and service provider InHealthCDS partners with MD-IT to offer the MD-IT EMR.

Bizmatics introduces an in-house billing service to complement its PrognoCIS EMR.

The American College of Physicians issues a policy paper that address the re-use of health data for research purposes. It includes a proposed privacy rule that maximizes appropriate uses of information to achieve scientific advances without compromising ethical obligations to protect individual welfare and privacy.

10-19-2011 1-46-49 PM

OptumInsight publishes an online guide, “Keep Patient Data Secure: Simple Actions for a Digital World.” The information is targeted to physicians and includes recommendations for  communicating with patients and fellow physicians, an explanation of de-identified data, and considerations for participating in a health information exchange.

EMR provider SynaMed partners with transcription company StenTel to offer a combined EMR/transcription platform. The offering will include StenTel’s integrated natural language processing technology to code dictation into discrete data fields for import into the SynaMed EMR.

10-19-2011 5-30-11 PM

CapitalCare Medical Group (NY) chooses ImplementHIT’s OptimizeHIT training platform to prepare its 110 providers for an Allscripts EHR upgrade.

HIT software and service provider iMedX Inc. acquires the assets of National Medical Transcription. iMedX sells the TurboRecord EMR and TurboRx e-prescribing products.

10-19-2011 5-32-31 PM

Radiology Medical Group (CA) outsources its medical billing operation to Zotec Partners, resulting in a 24-employee layoff. The 14-radiologist group blames the move on rising costs and declining reimbursements.

Lytec names MediPro its 2011 Value Added Reseller of the Year.

10-19-2011 5-29-03 PM

Forest Hill Family Health Associates (NJ) expands its partnership with PatientPort to include care coordination services.

Medflow partners with the American Academy of Ophthalmology to deliver the Academy’s patient education tools through Medflow’s EHR.

Physicians across all organizational settings should expect average salary increases of 2.5% in 2012, compared to 2011’s 2.7% increase. Group-based physician specialists should expect the highest salary increases at  4.5%.

Inga large

E-mail Inga.

Joel Diamond 10/19/11

October 19, 2011 News 3 Comments

All That’s Good About Healthcare

There’s a new book by Candice Millard about the life and assassination—or better yet, death by medical malpractice– of President James A. Garfield. It turns out that his doctors’ refusal to wash their hands before probing his wounds after his shooting contributed more to his death than the bullet delivered by Charles Guiteau, which missed the president’s spinal cord and vital organs.

This travesty occurred despite the tireless campaign of Joseph Lister, who demonstrated that simple hand washing could save lives by preventing infection. And here we are, 130 years later, looking at technology and financial incentives to convince physicians to perform this simple act.

Ahh, but I am much too cynical. It’s so easy to point out what is wrong with medicine today. Instead, I’d like to change my usual tone, and focus on what’s good (and oh, there is so much good.)

  • Laparoscopic surgery
  • Immunotherapy’s profound effects on the treatment of rheumatologic and inflammatory bowel diseases
  • Breast implants
  • Robotic-assisted surgery
  • Routine options for organ transplant
  • Breast implants
  • Advanced imaging technologies
  • Cameras that when swallowed take Ansel Adams- like portraits of your bowels
  • Breast implants
  • Insulin pumps and patient-controlled analgesia
  • And have you seen those TV commercials with former coach Jimmy Johnson for Extenze?

For those of you who insist on maintaining a cynical outlook, it is true that medical science now allows Bubba to eat pork rinds and pizza while never moving from his couch except to procreate– treating his acid reflux with OTC Prilosec, popping daily Cialis to help with the inbreeding, chasing it with Prozac because he’s bummed at “The Jersey Shore” hair-product line that messed with his Rogaine-induced mullet, while ultimately getting insurance to pay for his gastric bypass so he can fit through the door of his double-wide trailer.

But the reality is that Prilosec and other acid-blocking medicines have virtually eliminated the surgical treatment for peptic ulcer disease. Viagra and similar medicines have allowed Senator Bob Dole to keep Elizabeth happy. SSRI medicines have allowed millions of American to lead productive lives while decreasing the horrible stigma associated with mental health treatment. Laparoscopic bariatric surgery has finally reversed heretofore incurable obesity and its costly and devastating sequelae of diabetes, sleep apnea, and coronary disease.

Extending the analogy, medical technology has fueled its fair share of cynics. Like the television Dr. Oz, stethoscopes and scrubs seem to be more a fashion statement, as young physicians favor ordering echocardiograms than listening to heart murmurs, and it’s infrequent that they actually come into contact with blood and guts. Non-peer-reviewed Google searches have supplanted careful review of Harrison’s Textbook of Medicine, and template driven EMRs often get mistaken for a careful review of symptoms.

But ready access to imaging and information technology has markedly improved the way that new physicians approach diagnostic dilemmas, and a standardized approach to history and physical acquisition (along with improved decision support) will continue to drastically alter patient outcomes

Finally, let’s get back to hand washing initiatives (finally) taking placed in hospitals across the country. Along with other seemingly simple interventions such as marking the correct site before surgery, these measures represent an organized attempt to bring quality on a massive scale to an industry previously ignorant of evidence-based best practices.

Oh yeah, did I mention the new hair-removing laser that I got on eBay? I can finally say goodbye to those uncomfortable Brazilian waxes.


Joel Diamond, MD is chief medical officer at dbMotion, adjunct associate professor at the Department of Biomedical Informatics at the University of Pittsburgh, and a practicing physician at UPMC and of the Handelsman Family Practice in Pittsburgh, PA. He also blogs on interoperability.

News 10/18/11

October 17, 2011 News Comments Off on News 10/18/11

Medical billing company MedData, Inc. acquires Data Management, Inc., a provider of physician billing services to pathologists and EDs.

10-17-2011 3-57-53 PM

The Department of Pathology at the Medical City Dallas Hospital (TX) selects McKesson’s Revenue Management Services  for billing and revenue cycle management.

10-17-2011 4-01-25 PM

GE Healthcare announces that it is now a Meaningful Use partner in New York eHealth Collaborative’s REC program.

10-17-2011 4-02-17 PM

St. Paul Eye Clinic (MN) selects the SRS EHR for its 15 providers.

10-17-2011 4-03-57 PM

HealthStar Physicians (TN) will implement athenaCollector, athenaClinical, and athenaCommunicator for its 60-provider network.

The CalOptima REC announces its preferred EHR vendors, which will extend special contract terms and preferred pricing to COREC members. On the list: Comtron, Med A-Z, MED3000, Mitochon Systems, Office Ally, and SuiteMed.

10-17-2011 1-51-53 PM

athenahealth announces findings from its VaccineView program, which indicate that pediatricians are being under-reimbursed for certain vaccines nearly half the time, when the total cost to the physician is considered. VaccineView analyzes payment information for eight vaccines, based on data compiled in the athenanet network.

10-17-2011 2-23-08 PM

If you are a physician interested in increasing your online presence, Avvo is offering a free guide, “Being Influential Online: Social Media Tactics for Physicians.”  In addition to several how-to steps, the guide looks at physician liability, HIPAA, and SEO to increase online reach.

10-17-2011 3-55-58 PM

We published our annual HIStalk Must See Vendors for MGMA directory over the weekend. Please stop by the booths of these HIStalk and/or HIStalk Practice sponsors and show them some love and thanks for their support. Here are a few highlights:

  • A couple of the vendors, Mediserve and Practice Fusion, are not actually exhibiting, but are available for personal meetings.  You can find their contact information in the guide. 
  • Allscripts and its featured partners are hosting a bingo game and giving away a number of prizes.
  • Culbert Healthcare Solutions is giving away an Apple iPad2.
  • MED3OOO, which is formally launching Quippe, is giving away 100 iPads during 11 different demo sessions.
  • NextGen is leading a presentation in the Healthcare Innovations Pavilion Monday (“Capitalizing on PQRS as a Stepping Stone Toward Accountable Care”) and sponsoring a concurrent educational session Tuesday (“Using Data and Leadership Alignment to Achieve PCMH Recognition”).

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E-mail Inga.

HIStalk’s Must See Vendors – MGMA 2011

October 16, 2011 News 1 Comment


3M Health Information Systems
Booth 1300

3M Health Information Systems delivers software and consulting services to help organizations improve compliance, workflow efficiency and financial performance. We offer expertise in clinical documentation, remote and automated coding, ICD-10, dictation, speech recognition, and mobile physician technology to support the electronic health record and pay for performance initiatives.

10-17-2011 12-23-43 PM

Booth 1400

Acusis provides cost-effective, accurate outsourced clinical documentation solutions to hospitals, clinics, and physician practices. AcuSuite, Acusis’ web-based software application, manages the entire process and delivers meaningful clinical documentation within a tailored turnaround time of 24 hours or less while providing Higher Standards, seamless implementation, EMR integration, and highest customer satisfaction.

10-9-2011 3-22-00 PM

ADP AdvancedMD
Booth 559

AdvancedMD is now part of ADP, a trusted company with $10B in revenues and 570,000 clients, including 45,000 physicians. The company provides cloud EHR and leading billing tools. Proprietary claims scrubbing produces 95%+ first-pass acceptance compared to the industry average of 70%. Clients receive automatic and offsite backup, as well as continuous updates to meet regulatory compliance.

allscripts new

Booth 1317

Allscripts provides innovative solutions that enable a connected healthcare community. More than 180,000 physicians, 1,500 hospitals and 10,000 post acute care organizations trust Allscripts to improve patient care and deliver world-class outcomes. Check out our Client Outcomes Center at to learn more.

Allscripts Partner Booth Bingo


No purchase necessary, open to MGMA Annual Conference attendee members only (sorry, no vendors). Game ends at 1:00PM on Tuesday, October 25, 2011. You must be present to win.


Booth 1643

AT&T ForHealth is a new area that will accelerate delivery of innovative wireless, cloud-based networking services and applications. AT&T believes that the use of technology and smart networks will help improve care quality and reduce costs for a healthier world. AT&T Inc. is a global leader in communications.

10-9-2011 3-23-13 PM

Capario, Inc.
Booth 117

Capario provides revenue cycle management solutions that accelerate and refine critical reimbursement processing needs, including real-time transactions, electronic payer remittances, denial management and business-intelligence reporting. To learn more, visit


Culbert Healthcare Solutions Inc
Booth 1328

Culbert Healthcare Solutions is a professional services firm serving healthcare organizations. We specialize in helping group practices leverage clinical and practice management technologies to improve patient care and financial performance by implementing best practices. Stop by to find out how to win an Apple iPad2.

ecw logo

Booth 1145

eClinicalWorks provides ambulatory clinical solutions, including EMR/PM software, patient portals and community health records applications. With 55,000+ providers and 250,000+ medical professionals across all 50 states using its solutions, customers include small, medium and large physician practices, out-patient departments of hospitals, health centers, departments of health and convenient care clinics.


Booth 1301

Emdeon is a leading provider of revenue and payment cycle solutions that connect payers, providers and patients to integrate and automate key business and administrative functions throughout the patient encounter. Stop by the booth to find out how to win a vacation on Emdeon!


Booth 1728

Visit e-MDs at Booth #1728  to demo the new e-MDs Rounds® for the iPhone. The user friendly mobile app combines the power of e-MDs Solution Series™ with the mobility of an iPhone, allowing doctors to remotely and securely key in patient information from their EHRs via their mobile device.  Using Rounds®, doctors are able to view patient data and scheduling information, capture charges, view results, write prescriptions, and exchange messages internally with staff.

enovate logo

Booth 642

Enovate is a national provider of mobile and wall mounted clinical workstations for the healthcare environment. Enovate provides multiple solutions for medication delivery, computerized physician order entry, clinical documentation, and electronic medical records. Enovate – advancing health information technology For more information, call (877)258-8030 or visit

9-26-2011 6-10-05 AM

Gateway EDI, LLC
Booth 717

Gateway EDI, a health care electronic data interchange provider, helps practices maximize revenue, increase cash flow and catch claims issues before they impact a practice. Over 90,000 physicians trust Gateway EDI to take the worry out of billing, so they can focus on patient care. For information, visit

10-10-2011 6-19-45 AM

GE Healthcare IT
Booth 501

GE Healthcare provides transformational medical technologies and services that are shaping a new age of patient care. Our Centricity solutions support the vast information needs of our customers with enterprise-wide and departmental clinical systems; industry-leading imaging management solutions and best in class practice and revenue cycle management tools.

greenway logo

Greenway Medical Technologies
Booth 517

Greenway Medical Technologies provides innovative EHR, ambulatory healthcare and clinical research business solutions to more than 33,000 healthcare providers nationwide, in 30 specialties, by enhancing the delivery of patient care through advanced health IT software and on-demand services that allow physician practices to function at their highest level of efficiency.

10-9-2011 3-24-05 PM

Booth 1716

Kareo – an MGMA "newbie" but a veteran in making medical billing software easy to purchase, learn and use.  Kareo’s  web-based software powers thousands of small medical practices in the U.S. We are leading our industry in the shift from traditional software to cloud computing (a.k.a. Software-as-a-Service) with the sole aim of helping doctors get paid by taking today’s complex healthcare system and making it easy. This allows doctors to spend less time worrying about their business and more time caring for patients and saving lives.  Visit Kareo @ booth 1716 and learn more about their refreshing and smart way to manage scheduling, eligibility, claims processing, patient billing and complement an EHR strategy.

10-9-2011 3-25-10 PM

Ingenious Med
Booth 1609

Ingenious Med is an industry-leading mobile platform optimizing healthcare performance and revenue. The application automates the activities of physicians through charge capture, documentation, coding and compliance, improved quality of care and digital communication. With more than 9,000 users in 800 facilities nationwide, the award-winning functionality optimizes performance, efficiency and revenue.

10-9-2011 3-26-15 PM

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins/Wolters Kluwer Health
Booth 200

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a Wolters Kluwer Health company is a leading international publisher of medical books, journals, and electronic media.  Visit booth #200 to browse our comprehensive product line and learn about the fastest, most affordable evidence-based tool at the point-of-care,

10-9-2011 3-27-33 PM

Booth 935

MedAssets works with healthcare providers to improve financial and operational performance. MedAssets further enables customers to deliver high quality, affordable healthcare through a comprehensive suite of evidence-based technologies and services, and developing best-practice solutions that effectively optimize revenue, secure reimbursement, reduce waste and aggressively manage total costs.

10-17-2011 12-32-01 PM

Medicomp Systems
Booth 459

Medicomp is an inventor of tools that enable clinical usability at the point of care.  The MEDCIN and Quippe clinical knowledge engines and components are used daily by more than 100,000 clinicians to improve patient care, documentation, and compliance.  Our tools provide actionable, patient-specific, problem-oriented views of all clinical data for a patient. For more information, visit

10-9-2011 3-28-33 PM


To schedule a meeting:

David C. Erickson

MediServe is a software development company dedicated exclusively to rehabilitation and respiratory care providers.


Booth 725

McKesson delivers solutions across all care settings; providing physicians with more products, services, and resources than any other healthcare company  including revenue management and practice management solutions as well as ONC/ATCB certified EHR systems for meaningful use. See how our solutions can prepare you for ANSI 5010 and meaningful use.

10-9-2011 3-30-31 PM

Booth 1109

MED3OOO, healthcare management and information technology, offers solutions for medical practices, clinics, hospital systems and hospital-employed physicians with RCM, ASP PM/EHR systems, and ACO strategies. Visit our booth for a demonstration of our intuitive browser-based InteGreat EHR, enhanced with Quippe®, creating the first “EHR with Physician Intuition," and allowing physicians to create templates on-the-fly.

MED3OOO will be giving away 100 ipads to those who “win” a spot at one of 11 demo sessions held during the following times:

· Sunday: 2, 3, 4 pm

· Monday: 10, 11, 12, 3, & 4

· Tuesday: 10, 11, 12


Booth 1401

With the most powerful yet easy-to-use Intelligent Charge Capture technologies available, MedAptus enjoys enterprisewide adoption at many prestigious, academic healthcare organizations. Our full-scale Professional and Facility offerings increase revenue, re-engineer archaic processes, enhance EMR investments and save busy providers time.


Booth 617

Medicity created iNexx to give physician practices the flexibility to select and download low-cost, certified EHR modules and other apps that fulfill meaningful use requirements and solve the practice’s specific workflow challenges – all within a professional social network that powers unprecedented patient-centered care collaboration.


NextGen Healthcare
Booth 1035

NextGen Healthcare is a leading provider of integrated electronic health record and practice management systems, connectivity solutions, and billing services designed to serve the needs of ambulatory practices and hospitals of all sizes and specialty areas. Our award-winning, certified solutions help improve care quality and increase operational efficiencies.

NextGen is also participating in the following sessions:

Healthcare Innovations Pavilion Education Session
Session HIP8: Capitalizing on PQRS as a Stepping Stone Toward Accountable Care
Monday, Oct. 24, 9:45-10:05 am
Lora Baker, manager, PCMH/ACO/PACE products, NextGen Healthcare

Concurrent Session
E4: Using Data and Leadership Alignment to Achieve PCMH Recognition
Tuesday, Oct. 25, 1:45-3:00 pm
Jen Barrera,  SVP, Strategic Development and Dr. Tamarah Duperval-Brownlee, M.D., MPH, FAAFP, Chief Medical Officer, both from Lone Star Circle of Care, Georgetown, Texas


Booth 1527

Nuance’s Dragon Medical is the most widely used speech recognition system in medicine today. Dragon Medical reduces transcription expense, delivers results rapidly, and heightens clinician satisfaction by making EHR systems easy to use, which accelerates the adoption of clinical information systems so provider organizations maximize the return from IT investments.

10-9-2011 3-31-22 PM

Practice Fusion

To schedule a meeting:

Liz Meyerdirk
Senior Director of Business Development


Booth 1116

Sage provides end-to-end clinical and financial technology solutions so physicians and medical professionals can focus on patients instead of paperwork. Serving more than 400,000 healthcare professionals including 80,000 physicians, Sage is physician-focused, patient-centric. To learn more about Sage solutions for EHR, practice management, patient engagement and reporting, call (877) 932-6301.

srs soft

Booth 1200

Leader in productivity-enhancing EHR technology for high-performance specialty practices—with a successful adoption rate unparalleled in the industry. Offered via the Unified Desktop™, the robust SRS EHR, SRS CareTracker PM, and SRS PACS increase speed and efficiency, free physicians’ time, boost revenue, slash overhead, and enhance patient care and satisfaction.

10-9-2011 3-33-57 PM

Booth 635

ZirMed is a nationally recognized leader in delivering revenue cycle management solutions to over 100,000 healthcare providers.  ZirMed leverages the power of technology to cure administrative burdens and increase cash flow.  ZirMed solutions include eligibility verification, credit/debit/check processing, claims management, electronic remittance advice, patient statements, e-commerce, and lock box services.

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