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Final Meaningful Use Regulations

July 13, 2010 News 1 Comment

The full text of the Meaningful Use final document is posted on HIStalk. We are updating the comments at the end of the article with interesting points we are finding in the revised document.

Rather than reposting here, we suggest that you start by reading our comments to the HIStalk posting, then take a crack at the 864-page document if you are so inclined. Feel free to add your comments to the posting – that will help everyone get a quick handle on what it means.

News 7/13/10

July 12, 2010 News Comments Off on News 7/13/10

Henry Schein’s Dentrix Enterprise Dental PM software earns national certification from the US Indian Health Service, meaning all federal and tribal sites can deploy its electronic dental record.

A writer for the LA Times recommends a few of his favorite healthcare apps, which include a how-to CPR program and a calorie tracker tool. However, the one I’m looking forward to seeing is HEARTifacts, which will help people locate the closet automatic external defibrillator.

A Northwestern University School of Medicine professor develops a talking touch screen computer kiosk program that’s now being tested at three Chicago-area cancer clinics. The professor believes the multimedia touch screen tools will improve satisfaction and care for patients with diverse language, literacy, and computer skills.

In what may be the first documented iPhone 4 medical video consultation, an Arizona surgeon connects with a colleague in California to check out a foot reconstruction. One of the physicians called the real-time consult a “game-changing tool” with the potential to change how doctors work with patients and each other.

Kodak and MedCo Data introduce a new patient chart-scanning solution for physician offices. It uses Kodak Capture Pro Software and scanners to capture data from patient charts and into the MedCo Data Vault.

E-mail messaging between patients and providers improves the quality of care provided, according to a Kaiser Permanente study. Patients with diabetes and/or hypertension were found to have statistically significant improvements in HEDIS scores when patients and physicians communicated via e-mail and were 7-10% less likely to schedule an office visit.

The National EyePA Coalition extends a preferred provider endorsement of the Eclipsys PeakPractice EMR. FoxFire Systems Group, a PeakPractice VAR, was named the preferred EMR provider for the 4,900-member IPA.

A couple of big organizations announce intentions to implement Allscripts products. The 120-provider Physicians Alliance (PA) plans to implement Allscripts EHR, which will connect to the Alliance’s existing Allscripts Vision PM system. Christ Hospital (NJ) will work with Allscripts reseller ITelagen to provide EHR and PM for the hospital’s affiliated medical practice.

allscripts ad

Speaking of Allscripts, I am thrilled to welcome them as the latest HIStalk Practice Platinum sponsor. Allscripts has been a HIStalk supporter for quite some time and CEO Glen Tullman has always been accommodating any time we’ve asked him to share his impressions of the industry. Allscripts is a leader in the ambulatory care market and serves more than 160,000 physicians. The company also has a presence in 800 hospitals and provides solutions for post-acute care facilities and homecare agencies. Of course, since Allscripts’ traditional sweet spot has been the physician market, I think it is appropriate to welcome them “home” to HIStalk Practice. Thanks, Allscripts!

Medical billing service provider Medical Management, LLC (MD) selects Kareo as its software billing solution.

hhs webcast

Set your alarm: CMS and ONC are hosting a press briefing Tuesday, July 13th at 10:00 a.m. EDT to announce the final rules on meaningful use, standards, and certifications. An all-star cast will be presenting, including Secretary Sebelius, new CMS head Donald Berwick, ONC chief David Blumenthal, and Surgeon General Regina Benjamin. A live webinar webcast is available.

The CEO for clinical analytics vendor Anvita Health believes that as more providers adopt EMRs, demand will rise for better reporting and analytics tools. Providers will soon realize the value of clinical data and look for better ways to use the information to evaluate patients and populations. Good news if you are in the data scrubbing business like Anvita.

boiling springs medical

CaroMount Health (NC) converts the first of 44 physician practices to NextGen’s EMR. The health system’s IS director expects it will take about two years to move over all the sites.

Maternal fetal medicine specialists at Regional Obstetric Consultants of Chattanooga and Knoxville create a seemingly successful telemedicine model that allows physicians to provide perinatal consults to high-risk women in rural Tennessee. The practice and the Community Health Network created Solutions to Obstetrics in Rural Counties (STORC) to improve specialist access through the use of videoconferencing technology. The BCBS of Tennessee Health Foundation provided $1.8 million to fund the three-year pilot project.


E-mail Inga.

News 7/8/10

July 7, 2010 News 3 Comments


From Green Mountainer: “Re: Vermont demo. I was sitting in on an eCW public demo for Vermonters, watching Girish show off the patient portal. However, mid-stream, he jumps to his browser and searches for ‘Baumel HIStalk’ and pulls up your interview with Andrew Baumel, referring to you as ‘a highly respected IT resource.’” Ah … love Girish!

From Donald B: “Re: CCHIT certification. Assuming CCHIT becomes an an accredited testing and certification body, will vendors with previously certified products need to go through additional testing and certification? And is there a charge?” Great question. I checked with CCHIT and Sue Reber, CCHIT’s marketing director, shared this:

If vendors participate in the CCHIT Certified® 2011 or our Preliminary ARRA certification programs, there will be no additional charge for final ARRA testing and certification done by CCHIT. If they were certified in a CCHIT program prior to the CCHIT Certified® 2011 program, they will need to be tested and certified in the final ARRA program by an accredited certification body. There will be fees for that separate testing.

Speaking of certification, I see that CCHIT has extended 2011 certification to three new ambulatory EHRs: Eclipsys Sunrise Ambulatory Care 2011 Suite 5.5, Integritas’ Agility EHR 10, and Universal EMR Solutions’ Physician’s Solution 5.0.

VHA signs an agreement with athenahealth to provide special pricing for VHA members. VHA providers will be eligible for discounts on athenaCollector, athenaClinicals, and athenaCommunicator. athenahealth also names Dev Ittycheria, most recently president of the Enterprise Service Management division of BMC Software, to its board.


The American College of Physicians appoints Steven E. Weinberger, MD as EVP and CEO of the American College of Physicians. He takes over for John Tooker, MD, who announced his intention to step down last October.

Iowa’s HIT Regional Extension Center selects eClinicalWorks as a preferred ambulatory vendor for primary care providers.

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A new survey to ponder: half of physicians say they’re keeping their patient records in an electronic format, which is up about 10% from 2008. In addition, results from this Knowledge Network survey indicate that 62% of specialists and 55% of primary case doctors have smart phones, with as many as 90% of those using them for Internet and e-mail.

The American Academy of Pediatrics introduces a new iPhone application that helps parents figure out when their children’s symptoms require medical attention, calculate medication dosages, and identify rashes and insect bites.

The latest issue of JAMA (subscription required) features commentary from a physician who favors the meaningful use of EHRs. The internal medicine doctor believes too many of his peers look at EHR as simply a way to generate progress notes for payment justification. However, he argues, using an EHR fully can help providers better manage patient data and thus improve patient care and safety.

wichita clinic

Wichita Clinic (KS) plans to implement GE Centricity EMR across its 12 locations. The 160-doctor practice has been a Centricity Business PM clients since 1999.

An ambulatory surgery center sues staffing agency Robert Half International, claiming the agency failed to check references for a twice-convicted embezzler they recommended to the ASC. The ASC hired the accountant, who had previously served time for stealing about $650,000 from two previous employers. A year and a half after she was hired, ASC auditors discovered accounting irregularities and determined the accountant had embezzled about $300,000. The accountant, who used the money to support her gambling habit, is now serving 57 months in prison. Meanwhile, the ASC is hoping to recoup $415,000 plus legal fees.


E-mail Inga.

News 7/6/10

July 5, 2010 News 2 Comments

Doctors continue to opt out of private practices to join health care systems. The spokesperson for Parkview Health (IN), a hospital that just picked up 11 new doctors, suggests technology assistance is one reason the hospital-owned practice model is increasingly popular. Other factors include administrative support and expertise managing the complexities of health care reform, Medicare, and Medicaid.

The California Medical Association partners with Heartland Payment Systems to offer members payment processing services, including payroll and check management.

charlotte martin

SmartBusiness profiles Gateway EDI and CEO Charlotte A. Martin. Since she took the job in 2000, the clearinghouse has experienced 30% per year top-line revenue growth and added 200 employees. Gateway has also significantly grown the number of practices served from 5,000 five years ago to 14,000 today and acquired two companies. One of Martin’s top goals: maintaining the flexibility and intimacy of a small company.

Oregon physicians speak out against a state plan to put EMRs in place by 2015. Physicians participating in a public forum told members of a state HIT oversight committee that current EMRs are flawed and expensive and that doctors can’t afford the time to train employees and deal with software problems. I’m not sure of all the specifics in this case, but I agree that EMRs are not perfect and they cost practices time and money. However, why keep fighting the inevitable, especially when there are potential subsidies available to help make the transition more affordable? Why do so many providers keep forgetting that paper systems are also flawed and imperfect?


Here’s some stuff that sounds perfect for the next Michael Palmer novel. Medical experts speculate that devices such as pacemakers and infusion pumps are vulnerable to unauthorized programming and manipulation. Many medical devices use wireless connections for monitoring and programming, but those communication channels are at risk for malicious access to private information or manipulation of device functions. Maybe I have been reading too much about Russian spies of late, but the medical intrigue possibilities are fascinating, in a twisted sort of way.

ENT and Allergy Associates (NY) expands its EMR to 21 of its 31 practice sites. I surfed a bit trying to figure out what EMR these guys were running, but came up empty.

I’m hoping that HHS will announce the final Meaningful Use guidelines this week, which is traditionally one of the slowest HIT news weeks of the year. It’s the post-Independence Day lull which precedes a couple of crazy months of user conferences and related press releases on new products. I suppose I should appreciate the quiet, though in the end I am just an HIT geek looking for the latest industry scoop.


E-mail Inga HIT scoop (or forward vacation pics)

News 7/1/10

July 1, 2010 News 1 Comment

CMS wants to integrate their PQRI program with the EHR Meaningful Use incentives. Assuming the effort would reduce duplicate reporting requirements, it sounds like a win for providers. Look for the final ruling in July.


Physicians at Tufts Medical Center are using the Web to conduct live medical consultations to patients in Haiti. Students from Tufts University School of Medicine are in Haiti and providing the on-site medical services, while faculty physicians are providing real-time consults using American Wells’ Online Care technology. And the medical world gets a little flatter.

Arizona Integrated Physicians (AIP) selects eClinicalWorks EMR/PM system for its 600 physicians. AIP member physicians will be eligible for preferred pricing and receive the eCW software via a SaaS model. Post-implementation support services will be handled by AIP.


Fifty thousand participants are now receiving weekly text messages from Text4baby. The free Text4Baby service provides both English and Spanish updates to women from early pregnancy through the babies’ first year.

According to MGMA members, the top three challenges of running a group practice are dealing with rising operating costs, managing finances with uncertain Medicare rates, and, selecting and implementing a new EHR. Interesting to note that compared to previous years, implementing a patient-centered medical home model is a much bigger concern. Surveyed members ranked medical homes as their 12th biggest challenge, compared to 22 last year.

RCM provider Capario enters a preferred partnership with software billing developer Healthpac Computer systems.

Greenway Medical Technologies is awarded a patent for its custom clinical template builder. Over the last few months a number HIT vendors have announced patent awards, making me wonder if companies seek patents because they want to product truly unique technology, or, because it’s a good marketing tool. I am hoping someone smarter than me will advise.


NeuroCenter Medical Clinic (CA) selects Acentec to provide IT services, including MedInformatix software and integrated Dragon voice recognition.

Enforcement of Red Flags rules for physicians may be delayed yet again as the FTC works through several lawsuits with medical associations and societies. FTC chair John Leibowitz says that members of the AMA, American Osteopathic Association, and state medical societies will be not be required to follow the rules until 90 days after a decision is handed down through the federal court. In case you are counting, the FTC has delayed physician enforcement five times already.

HIStalk Practice had a big month in June with over 10,000 views. In the last six months readership has jumped a whopping 35%, which makes both Mr.  H and me very happy. We appreciate readers stopping by, and, are very grateful to our terrific sponsors for keeping the keyboards clicking.

Happy Independence Day to all!


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