News 2/9/10

February 8, 2010 News Comments Off on News 2/9/10

Sage Healthcare COO Lindy Benton resigned last week, days before Betty Otter-Nickerson is scheduled to start as CEO. Sage’s John Schoutsen shared this note with us: “Lindy has chosen to leave Sage and to pursue new opportunities. Lindy felt it would be best for Betty to start fresh and form her own, independent views of the business. We’re thankful for Lindy’s contributions while here and looking forward to Betty’s leadership.”


Self Regional Healthcare (SC) selects Allscripts EHR and PM for its 59 employed physicians. Self will also offer Allscripts as the preferred solution for its 200 affiliated physicians.

An Epocrates survey finds that 20% of doctors say they’ll be buying an iPad within a year, good news for the company since it has already committed to creating an iPad version of its drug information software.

Would you please help a gal out and complete our first ever HIStalk Practice Reader Survey? It will take but two minutes of your time and will help us with planning for the next year. We promise to read every single comment you take the time to write and will use the input to make sure we are providing readers the most valuable content. Many thanks.

I think I failed to mention this earlier, but HIStalk Practice had a record month in January. The number of visits doubled from a year ago and the e-mail subscriber count keeps going up. Which reminds me: please sign up for the e-mail updates (top right) so you never miss a thing. And if you are interested in joining the great list of sponsors to your left, let me know.

I’m not sure the world needs another EHR option, but new program is making its debut nonetheless. SharEHR is a SaaS solution that allows users to upload files or scanned paper and converts them to a PDF format. Documents can be shared, sorted, and searched. Actually, I wouldn’t really call it an EHR if that all it does. Surely no buyer would think a product like this offers enough to qualify for meaningful use, right?

Ingram Micro and NextGen Healthcare form a new distribution relationship that gives Ingram the right to recruit, train, and support new partners to provide NextGen solutions.

Four Michigan medical practices select mPay Gateway to provide point-of-care patient payment processing.


Federal Chief Technology Officer Aneesh Chopra announces the Text4Baby messaging service. The free service is supported by a public-private partnership, including most major wireless carriers. To join Text4Baby, an expectant mother only needs to text "baby," or "bebe" in Spanish, to 511411. Subscribers will get three text messages each week at no charge on content timed to a baby’s due date or date of birth and focused on a variety of topics.

Ascension Health becomes the first health system to agree to offer American Well’s Online Care to its patients. Using a phone or via the Web, patients will be able to connect with clinicians affiliated with Health Ministries of Ascension Health.

Dr. David Blumenthal says that he wants to “stretch” the healthcare community to qualify for financial incentives for health IT use, but not “break” the community. The national health IT coordinator also believes that health information management will become a core 21st century professional competency. Blumenthal, by the way, is one of the keynote speakers at HIMSS. Mr. H also invited him to our HIStalk party. If he no-shows, then I definitely plan to no-show his keynote.

Speaking of HIMSS, a couple of people supposedly in the know say that registrations for physicians and their administrative staff are up this year. ARRA-related concerns are behind the increase. I’ve asked the HIMSS folks to verify this and they said they’ll provide some specifics later in the week.

The Roaring Fork Valley Physicians IPA (CO) settles with the FTC on charges of price fixing. The 80-member IPA was accused of anticompetitive negotiating tactics against health insurers by orchestrating agreements to set higher prices and refusing to deal with insurers that didn’t meet its demands for higher rates. The settlement requires doctors to terminate any contracts with insurers reached using the price-fixing tactics. No mention of any more serious hand slapping, so maybe the IPA got off easy.

mass general

A telemedicine program at Massachusetts General is improving communications between attending physicians and ICU staff and helping doctors manager PICU patients round-the-clock. On-call attending physicians can examine patients from home and communicate with on-site staff using real-time video conferencing and robotic gear that includes digital cameras and medical scopes attached to patient beds.

A Texas hospital uses a “speed dating” model to match physicians and patients. The Doc Shop program at Texas Health HEB allows patients to spend 30 minutes talking to five or six doctors to find one that best meets the needs of the patient. The model also provides an unusual way for doctors to market and build their practices, sans the shadchan.


E-mail Inga.

Intelligent Healthcare Information Integration 2/5/10

February 5, 2010 News 4 Comments

In Defense of Tablets

The good DrLyle recently sent a submission to these hallowed pages in which he stated, “…it is well known that the general idea of using a tablet in healthcare has tried and failed multiple times.” Hmmm…

Now, this isn’t the first I’ve heard of people poo-pooing the pen tablet as less than functionally desirable for doctoring duties. But, it inspired me to offer a defense of our little PT pals, a form factor which works in our office every single day.

Maybe having a desktop PC in every exam room works in an internist’s office, but when I see what the children do (and what the parents let them do) to our beautiful office space every, single day …Hoo Boy! I simply can’t imagine the condition of exam room PCs nor the cost of repair and replacement over time. We have video monitors in recessed wall boxes behind protective Plexiglas panels in each room for patient educational and PR purposes; even those have been pried into. The images of spilled goo and repeated poundings that a desktop would take in an exam room, if unattended by a staffer for even a few minutes, makes me shudder.

Currently, we use Lenovo X200 convertible pen tablets. They fly with Windows 7 and their battery life is much better than the Lenovo X41s we used previously. (Our EHR isn’t completely compatible with Windows 7/IE8, but the speed gain is worth the few glitches or inaccessible items. Besides, compatibility will be full-blown soon and we have a few XP machines around to access those items when infrequently necessary.) We often use them more as laptops than tablets; most of us prefer the regular keyboard and TrackPoint to the onscreen keyboard and pen. Still, the flexibility is there and we do employ all the different configurations at various times.

I haven’t yet seen a data input device — short of a scribe — that works as well as the old pen and paper in a busy, noisy pediatric office. Tablet pens, mice, TrackPoints, voice recognition, trackballs, regular or on-screen keyboards, handwriting recognition — all have their workflow problems. But the TrackPoint and keyboard combination, in our regular day-to-day chaos, works pretty well for us. Voice recognition is becoming a second choice away from the noisy hubbub, though I am admittedly slow getting going with it. (No excuse… just one of those cool things that keeps getting put off while life pressures edge it from the top of my To Do pile.)

It isn’t perfect, our little pen tablet arrangement. But, desktops wouldn’t be either, at least in our world. Plus, we never have an issue with turning our backs upon our patients to address the PC, something a desktop might require and which could sometimes be dangerous with our “rambunctious” clientele.

For now, I stand by — and with — our pen tablets.

From the trenches…

“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.” – Robert McCloskey

Dr. Gregg Alexander is a grunt-in-the-trenches pediatrician and geek. His personal manifesto home page……yeh, that’s it, his blog – and he – can be reached through or

News 2/4/10

February 3, 2010 News 1 Comment

Twenty New York medical practices leverage their city-funded EMRs to identify and contact patients needing follow-up care. The Panel Management Program is privately funded with $1.5 million from Pfizer.

McKesson offers special financing programs for physicians adding its PM or EHR solutions, including Practice Partner, Lytec MD and Medisoft. Options include 0% interest for 12 months with 25% down or a $1000 rebate for the first provider and $500 for each additional provider in the practice. McKesson also announces its new interoperability platform,  Practice Partner Connect, which is part of Version 9.3.3 of the Practice Partner EHR/PM solution.

maine state

Maine politicians debate passing a $10 million bond to help establish low-interest loans for physicians switching to EMRs. Republican opponents say they don’t want to pass any bond initiatives this year, preferring to defer the decision until 2011 when a new governor and Legislature come on board. One legislator says, “If it’s a good idea now, it can certainly be a good idea next January with the next governor and the next Legislature taking a look at what we should be responsibly borrowing for.” Besides, once the doctors get the money it will take them no time at all to purchase an EMR, implement it, and achieve meaningful use in time to qualify for stimulus funds.

Capario partners with AdminHealth and EHR Live to promote Capario’s revenue cycle management services. AminHealth is a provider of PM and EHR software, while EHR offers an open source EHR.

Diverse Technologies will provide sales representation for Pulse Systems in 10 Western states.

twin cities

The 79-physician Twin Cities Orthopedics (MN) selects Identityware’s Indigo MD to provide secure identity management and SSO. The solution includes the use of a biometric device that works with the Identityware software.

MacPractice is ready to move several applications to the iPad, including the MacPractice Interface for iPad. The interface sounds like a tweaked version of MacPractice’s existing iPhone application that takes advantage of the iPad’s larger screen. Also on tap: MacPractice Kiosk for iPad and MacPractice Web Interface for iPad. MacPractice is also working on an iPad EMR/EHR application to integrate with its MacPractice MD application.

The folks at EHR Scope blog did an awesome job of summarizing our recent EHR executives series on the proposed meaningful use criteria. If you missed the series, the EHR Scope article succinctly outlines the bottom line opinion of each executive to each question. It’s interesting to see what vendors share similar philosophies on certain topics and who provided the more unique perspectives.

If you are on the fence about employing voice recognition, you might want to check out CMIO magazine’s overview of different options and potential benefits. The common themes are faster turn-around and better workflow. If you follow HIStalk you might have seen that Mr. H is a new Dragon Naturally Speaking convert and is trying to convince me it’s worth the $70 to get on board. Heck, I need faster turn-around times and better workflows as much as anyone so maybe I should pony up.

If you are still not convinced about speak recognition, Dr. Steven Schiff provides a compelling argument for employing EHR, along with voice recognition software:

It’s only by joining electronic health record technology with voice recognition that we can ensure patients are able to fully understand and participate in the digital care process. Moreover, this coupling will allow physicians full access to a patient’s story and enable them to base their decisions on both their knowledge of medicine and on the history of that specific individual.

In Haiti, Dr. Elizabeth Cote of Harvard Humane Initiative, demonstrates how volunteer physicians and nurses are using mobile technology to help patients. In this clip Dr. Cote inputs patient data using an iPhone and an digital medical assistant application called iCharts by Caretools.

The ONC wants to learn more about how EHRs affect patient satisfaction with their medical care and will solicit opinions from 1,700 patients. The ONC will survey patients from 84 primary care practices using EMRs.


E-mail Inga.

News 02/02/10

February 1, 2010 News 1 Comment

From DrLyle: “Re: More thoughts on iPad. On one hand, it is well known that the general idea of using a tablet in healthcare has tried and failed multiple times. On the other hand, I do appreciate that the Apple iPad is lighter, easier, cheaper, and has better battery life… so it is closer to the ideal we need.  I think that the outpatient world (of 2-3 stable exam rooms and sitting with a patient, where a single doctor inputs most of the data) is usually better served by the traditional PC and keyboard and large screen… while the inpatient world (different room for every patient, multiple providers who may be putting in smaller parts of the record) may be a better initial entry for this portable of a device, with the caveat that the use of gloves may be a negative factor. But more importantly, we must remember that the iPad is not magic one way or the other, it is still simply a tool… it will be up to innovate vendors and providers to make it something special in healthcare… and at this time, most EMRs and implementers have not been particularly innovative in using this format – so we’ll see if this changes the game!” DrLyle shares some additional insights on the iPad here.

AAFP tells of four separate physicians who claim EHR has improved their practices’ efficiencies and improve quality of care. One doctor said his group charges patients $25 a year to access their records electronically. I don’t know what shocked me for: that a practice would charge for using what I suppose is a patient portal, or, that 80% of the patients are participating.


I suppose this practice could charge for the new iPhone app they’ve developed, but for now it’s free. Caduceus Medical Group (CA) creates its own app that allows patients to email physicians, schedule appointments, request prescription refills, and get directions. The app also includes links to the practice’s blog and health-related topics. The group plans to make the application available on other platforms, including Blackberry, Palm Web OS, and Android.

xtra credit

Wolters Kluwer Health introduces a new iPhone/iTouch application that facilitates CME credit for clinical research done online. The physician can use the XtraCredit application to document online medical research as a learning activity. Users also note in XtraCredit the search experience and the approved resources used. The physician pays five dollars and receives CME credit.

Quality Systems, parent company for NextGen, reports a 14% increase in quarterly revenue compared to last year and flat EPS. The market wasn’t impressed, and the stock price slipped from $60/share last week to $52.76 at Monday’s close.

Wayne Health Physicians (NC) selects Docs Billing Solutions to provide Ingenix’s Caretracker EHR, PM, and RCM software.

Iatric Systems, a company specializing in providing interface services to MEDITECH hospitals, partners with Aprima to provide EHR/PM software. Iatric will focus on providing Aprima’s application to physicians affiliated with MEDITECH hospitals.


A Minnesota family practice physician, tired of insurance companies and red tape, starts his own cash-based practice that also offers house calls. He relies on a simple Web site and a barebones EMR to run his Timewise Medical practice. I like his approach to setting prices: $35 for one ailment, $54 for two, and a tongue-in-cheek recommendation to get a physical if you have three problems. Sounds a heck of lot simpler than insurance eligibility and authorizations, co-pays, and patient responsible balances.

Here is a new take on telemedicine. Medicine at Work provides employers with an on-site clinic for employees. A paramedic helps with vitals while a physician “examines” the patient using telemedicine technology. Employers pay for the service with a fixed per-employee, per-month fee and presumably reduce sick leave time. Patients win because they no longer need to leave work and drive to see a doctor about a rash, respiratory illness, or other minor ailment. I think I’d use it.

Medflow, a EMR vendor dedicated to eye care physicians, appoints Ippolit C.A. Matjucha, MD as medical director.

Forget meaningful use, certification, and privacy concerns. As much as anything else, physicians fear they’ll sink tens of thousands of dollars into EMRs that don’t work properly and the  vendor doesn’t (or can’t) make things right. The Huffington Post mentions a number of companies that filed bankruptcy, leaving their clients paying on loans for products not fully functional or never received. Am I the only who remembers these names: Acermed, MedComSoft, or Dr. Notes?  Lesson learned is that buyers need to conduct due diligence before taking the plunge.


E-mail Inga.

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