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HIStalk Practice Interviews Tom Check, President and CEO, Healthix

May 9, 2016 News Comments Off on HIStalk Practice Interviews Tom Check, President and CEO, Healthix

Tom Check is president and CEO of New York-based Healthix, the largest nonprofit HIE in the US.


Tell me about yourself and the organization.

I’ve been in healthcare IT since 1985. I was in senior IT positions at NYU Medical Center and Mt. Sinai Medical Center here in Manhattan for almost 19 years , so I’ve gotten to know the provider side of the business pretty well. I spent eight years as the CIO at the visiting nurse service of New York, which is the largest not-for-profit home health provider in United States. I gained a better understanding of community-based services and the continuum of care between the acute, post-acute, and sub-acute settings.

I’ve been president and CEO at Healthix for the last four years. We’re the largest HIE in the country, with data of over 16 million people here in New York City and Long Island. Healthix has been around for about eight years now. It started as three separate HIEs – one in Long Island, one in Manhattan and Queens, and one in Brooklyn. Over the last few years, we’ve merged and created a single HIE for New York City and Long Island, and that’s the scale that we’re at today.

How have you seen physician practice participation change since the HIE got its start?

In the early days, it was really the hospitals and a few of the very large nursing homes that were the founders of Healthix and its predecessor organizations. In those days, physician practices got involved when they could take advantage of specific, grant-funded opportunities that a hospital might be pursuing – grants that were really were focused on engaging the players of community-based care. It was really in the context of specific grant initiatives. What’s changed a lot in the landscape and increasingly so in the last few years, is the move toward value-based payment, which really requires understanding and managing patient health and experience on a much more continuous basis before the acute episode, during the acute episode, and after the acute episode. It really requires coordination across all the providers.

Whether it’s a PCP that’s providing care management services, or a care manager, ACO. or health plan, there’s a need to coordinate the care across all those specialties – physician specialties as well as hospital-based specialties. Increasingly, we’re seeing those kind of programs come together. When they do, they identify who their partners are in the community – the physicians that they really need to be part of the HIE.

At this point, nearly all of the FQHCs in our area are very strong participants in Healthix. The largest physician practice groups are very strong and active users of Healthix. In fact, one of the very large physician groups is one that’s constantly monitoring patient healthcare experience – if their patient presents at an emergency department, those physicians can follow up and support that patient whom they’re managing through those experiences.

Increasingly with the federal initiative toward transforming Medicaid to value-based payments, New York State is a participant in the Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) program, the district program through which they plan to transform Medicaid to a value-based payment system over the course of five years. New York has set up performing provider systems across the state to coordinate the care of Medicaid beneficiaries. Those groups have very large numbers of community physicians that need to be part of the program. They’re encouraging us to bring them in to the Healthix fold so they can be part of the program. I expect we’re going to see more of that. It’s really the move towards more coordinated care and value-based payment that’s bringing physicians more into the ecosystem of HIE.

What are the challenges in signing physician practices on to the HIE?

It has to be a more low overhead kind of decision for a physician practice. They’re very busy and so the implementation has got to be painless. The good news is that there is much more of a presence of EHRs in physician practices now than there was even five years ago. A great many of the physician practices in our area,  especially the small practices, are using a hub-based model or cloud-based model EHRs, where they really don’t have to have hardware on their premises; they don’t have a server to maintain because the software company is doing that for them.

We have direct connections with those EHR software companies, so that when the physician authorizes it, they can pretty easily connect the physician using their software to us because the connections are all running through their central hub. That’s really made it easier for us to implement physician practices. It’s made it much less expensive. By the way, Healthix is regulated and funded by the New York State Dept. of health, which means that we don’t need to charge physicians or any other provider for ongoing use of our services, which is a real benefit.

The technical complexity of implementing a connection with a physician practice has gotten much easier over time. The biggest item at this point is to first have a conversation with the physician practice about what the benefit will be to them or what benefit we can provide to them. That benefit is typically giving them connectivity with the other healthcare providers that are in the referral network for their patients. That’s really what we need to present. When we can demonstrate that benefit to a physician, then the implementation is pretty straight forward.

How does an HIE like Healthix, and the larger SHIN-NY network, add value to population health management programs?

By way of overview, the SHIN-NY network consists of eight different HIEs in the state all regulated by the state health department. We collaborate and have a common master patient index. Through that, we know which patient has data in each of the eight HIEs across the state. That means if the provider or anyone of the HIEs queries for a patient’s data, that HIE aggregates it from across the state and brings state-wide results back.

We can alert the physician if the physician wants to be alerted. We can alert them when their patient presents in the emergency department or the hospital, or has some other significant condition. We’re expanding that to be able to alert them if the patient has that kind of event within another HIE, a neighboring HIE, and over time that will expand statewide, too. There are other things that the HIEs are doing to collaborate. The gist of it is to create a virtual patient record that expands the person’s encounters across the state and that allows for a better management.

Analytics is another core area that a lot of HIEs are moving into. What Healthix would like to do is leverage our predictive analytics capabilities along with those risk scores that we assign to patient populations that we follow and do some real-time alerting that could be shared across the network.  Our goal is to put the information into the hands of the clinician who’s seeing the patient to make it actionable in real time. We see our fundamental territory and region being New York City and Long Island, but if they’re up at Winchester or Albany … I’m up there visiting as a patient, I end up in the healthcare system. I want  to give them the ability to send and exchange information down to Healthix here in the city area in the southern part of the state, as well as the other way around. The predictive analytics, the risk stratification scores, and to some extent, population health can be extended across the different RHIOs here in New York.

Healthix made news earlier this year for implementing a new predictive analytics solutions from HBI Solutions. Why now?

We had already implemented some measure of analytics that was looking at the clinical content of the patient’s experience; in other words, you start with the event that the patient  had on ED admission, and then you look at the analytics behind that as to what was the condition, what were the presenting symptoms. The next thing was to get into predictive risk, which is running the analytics against the body of information that accumulated on the patient.

Predictive analytics is one of our big focus areas, and I see it bringing the most value to those small and medium-size organizations that for many reasons either haven’t had the time or don’t have the means to invest in a technology like this. An advantage that Healthix really brings to the table is that we see a lot of information on the patient. I think our number is up past 240 organizations that send and receive data through us today. We really get that holistic view of the patient’s wellbeing from the provider’s viewpoint. Leveraging that as a service, we can offer those organizations the ability to better manage their patient populations. We find ourselves really in a good position to leverage that data to help them on this journey.

Has New York’s shift to mandatory e-prescribing affected HIE utilization in any way?

It has been helpful in a number of ways. First of all, e-prescribing has really encouraged doctors to be on current versions of EHRs. It’s increased the penetration of the EHRs in physician practices. One of the approaches that we take at Healthix is that we really want the doctor the be able to get the information that’s in Healthix through their EHR rather than having to come to our portal.

We’ve really worked with the EHR vendors so that when the doctor is working on patient John Jones in the EHR and the doctor wants to see information from Healthix, they can typically touch a button within the EHR and it reaches out to us and tell us who the doctor is. The doctor’s already been authenticated, so we know who the doctor is, we know that they’re looking at the record of John Jones, we know who John Jones is in our system, and we can bring a CCD back for the EHR to display to the doctor.

We’ve even taken that one step further and given the EHR software the ability to reach out and query, "Does Healthix know about John Jones? Do we have any data about John Jones from other sources? Do we have any data on John Jones from those other sources since the last time the doctor looked up his record in Healthix?"

Finally, New York requires that the patient has to give consent for the provider to view the patient’s data. It looks and sees it has consent from John Jones for the physician practice to view his data. Given all that, it comes back in the background without the doctor having to ask for it. It comes back with an indicator – green light, yellow light, or red light – that the EHR will display.

Green light would mean you’ve got the patient’s consent, Healthix has data from other sources, and it’s data you haven’t seen yet. That really encourages the doctor to click and see what’s in Healthix. It could be a yellow light, which means Healthix has data and you haven’t seen it yet, but you don’t have the patient’s consent. That would encourage the doctor to ask the patient for consent so that the doctor can then see the data.

It may come back with a red light, which says either Healthix doesn’t really have any information other than your own information about this patient, or the information Healthix has you’ve already seen so that the doctor knows not to go through looking at Healthix. That idea of embedding as much access to Healthix as you can right into the doctor’s EHR goes along with initiatives like e-prescribing that are encouraging doctors to use their EHRs more interactively.

Another things that we’re working with EHR vendors on is giving them the ability to easily receive messaging that we may send the doctor. If the doctor wants to be notified when their patient presents in a emergency department or has a change in lab values, we want to be able to send that message to the EHR so that the EHR can easily delivery it to doctor’s workflow – then it fits right into the way the doctor is using the EHR. E-prescribing itself hasn’t had as much a direct impact as the whole set of initiatives that are encouraging physicians and supporting physicians in using EHRs.

Could we soon see New York physicians opt in to real-time alerts as Vermont is attempting to do with PatientPing?

I’m not as familiar with what Vermont is doing with PatientPing, but we do have very high utilization of alerts. Of the 16 million patients in Healthix, 2.6 million of those have given consent for their provider to see their records. Of those, 1.3 million patients have subscribed to real-time alerts. Increasingly, we’re growing into giving alerts when clinical conditions change or we will be giving alerts when perspective risk changes.

We currently send out 115,000 alerts every month to physicians and care managers that subscribe to them. We also send out 247,000 CCDs a month for those care managers and physicians that have asked to receive them when certain patient conditions change. We’re already allowing providers to get alerts from us, and by doing things like predictive analytics, we’re hoping that we can tune those alerts so that they really represent alerts when the most significant changes are happening to a patient, where the physician may really want to intervene.

Do you have any final thoughts?

I think you’ve really asked a good set and it really speaks to the value proposition for physicians.


JenniferMr. H, Lorre, Dr. Jayne, Dr. Gregg

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From The Consultant’s Corner 5/5/16

May 5, 2016 News Comments Off on From The Consultant’s Corner 5/5/16

How to Align Physician Compensation with Value-Based Care

The move from volume-based to value-based reimbursement models is undeniable. Care quality, clinical outcomes, patient satisfaction, and cost containment all will play increasingly larger roles in reimbursement over the next few years. However, the pace at which this change is occurring varies significantly from payer to payer. Not all payers are moving simultaneously.

CMS has taken the lead with initiatives such as the Physician Quality Reporting System, the Value-based Payment Modifier, and the upcoming Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS). While some commercial payers are following CMS closely, others have committed themselves to evolving their own value-based programs.

In the midst of this flux, practices face the difficult task of retaining some focus on volume to remain financially viable while the industry transitions. What this means from a practical perspective is that practices can no longer use past compensation plans as a model for the future. In fact, they can’t expect to nail down a physician compensation plan today that will last for even the next three years; physician compensation models must progress with the industry.

Flexibility is Key

Compensation plans developed today need to allow for flexibility, so they can accommodate current productivity requirements while supporting a changing culture and incentivizing the behaviors necessary for success over the long term. One way to achieve flexibility involves the periodic evaluation of payer progress toward value-based reimbursement.

The degree to which a practice accelerates its value-based physician payment model should mirror the practice’s payer mix. Over time, the percentage of overall compensation tied to value-based incentives should increase to align with the percentage of overall reimbursement tied to value-based programs.

The task now is to prepare for — or align with — those new reimbursement incentives. Practices must start turning away from their historic focus on independence and production, and toward a new focus on collaboration, communication, and overall outcomes and cost. By setting the right foundation, practices can ensure that their provider compensation packages accurately reflect their emerging quality, outcomes, cost, and patient satisfaction goals. It’s a significant opportunity to create compensation models that support the dramatic culture shift necessary to achieve value-based care.

Set a Value-Based Foundation

Practice and health system governance frameworks range widely, and include any number of different employment or contract agreements. While the governance model will affect how a practice implements its value-based physician compensation plan — for example, its physician engagement, design, timeline, and communication strategies — it shouldn’t affect the compensation plan’s basic structure. No matter the governance model, all value-based physician compensation plans must incentivize care quality, patient outcomes, and the patient experience. The reason is simple: These factors lie at the center of value-based care delivery. Primary care providers are also part of the nucleus.

Achieving value-based care requires someone — predominately primary care providers — to coordinate care among patients, internal staff, hospitalists, and specialists. That takes time, which fee-for-service models have seldom reimbursed. In comparison, value-based financial incentives should encourage providers to spend time on those care coordination activities and preventive measures that result in favorable patient outcomes. Typically, this kind of compensation plan is structured as base salary (often determined by years of experience) plus incentives for factors such as:

  • Care quality —Practices can use HEDIS, PQRS, Meaningful Use, and other existing quality metrics to measure and incentivize physician quality. Care coordination is another essential component of quality.
  • Patient access — Ensuring patients are seen in a timely manner helps improve outcomes and reduce costs. Strong access capabilities may also play a role not only in lowering cost, but in satisfying patients.
  • Patient satisfaction — Patient communication, education, and engagement activities can increase satisfaction, as well as improve care plan compliance. (Plus, better compliance could result in improved outcomes and decreased costs.) Practices can use existing satisfaction surveys to measure and incentivize physicians for their patient engagement efforts.
  • Corporate citizenship — Practices can further incentivize physicians to follow evidence-based clinical protocols.
  • Productivity — Productivity will not entirely disappear as an element of compensation plans, but should take a different shape. For example, practices should ensure that physician panel sizes are appropriate to their care coordination and management responsibilities.

Smooth the Transition

Traditionally, most value-based factors have been difficult to manage and control. However, the adoption of EHRs and CMS quality programs such as PQRS and MU have established a means for data capture, decision support, and reporting. Consequently, practices now have a good foundation on which to build physician compensation plans that align with the core tenets of value-based care. Still, it won’t happen overnight. Over the next few years, those practices with the flexibility to evolve alongside their payers are most likely to experience the smoothest — and most rewarding — transitions.


Brad Boyd is president of Culbert Healthcare Solutions.


JenniferMr. H, Lorre, Dr. Jayne, Dr. Gregg

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News 5/5/16

May 5, 2016 News Comments Off on News 5/5/16

Top News

image image

Hill Ferguson (PayPal) joins Doctor on Demand as CEO. Ferguson will take over from Adam Jackson, who helped found the business in 2013. The CEO shuffle will purportedly help Doctor on Demand maintain its direct-to-consumer business and rapidly expand its enterprise clientele. Jackson, who interned for Ferguson while at Vanderbilt University, shared these parting words in a blog post: “… I have realized that I am an entrepreneur at heart, and our team’s staggering achievements to date have led us to a growth phase that I believe calls for a different set of talents in a CEO.”


May 11 (Wednesday) noon ET. “Measuring the Impact of ACA on Providers.” Sponsored by Athenahealth. Presenters: Dan Haley, general counsel, Athenahealth; Josh Gray, VP, AthenaResearch. Athenahealth will share the findings of real-time analysis of its provider network. The presenters will describe how patient financial obligations have changed, how physician reimbursement is trending, the patterns created by increased ACA coverage, and the effect of the latest ACA trends on physician practices.

Contact Lorre for webinar services. Past webinars are on our HIStalk webinars YouTube channel.

Acquisitions, Funding, Business, and Stock


Forbes makes the case for a primary care renaissance, citing the $1.2 billion that has been recently pumped into companies looking to reinvigorate the space. Author Dave Chase calls out companies like Zoom+ in Portland and Privia Health in Arlington, VA as part of the “the next-generation value-based primary care models at the heart of the DIY health reform movement.” Privia, which has scaled to over 3 million patients in the Washington, DC area over the last two years, seems to be well on its way to becoming a population health management success story.

Announcements and Implementations


The Healthcare Administrative Technology Association announces that 12 new members have joined in the last several months, including Azalea Health, EProvider Solutions, MGMA, and Office Ally.


Not to be outdone, CommonWell announces 11 new members have joined since HIMSS.

McKesson Specialty Health develops a set of solutions to support oncology practices participating in the CMS Oncology Care Model, which launches July 1. The new solution suite, which has undergone pilot testing at US Oncology Network facilities, includes professional services; EHR, RCM, and analytics technology, and patient engagement tools.


Chatterbox Pediatric Therapy Center (ID) selects Mediware’s MediLinks 2016 outpatient rehabilitation therapy software for its 26 therapists.

August Public Schools in Augusta, KS will implement an EHR from CareDox to help its school nurses care for 2,300 students across six schools. Launched in 2014, New York City-based CareDox secured $2.8 million in seed funding last month, bringing its total raised to $6.9 million.

Advanced Data Systems adds chronic care management technology from CareSync to its Medics EHR software.




Halle Tecco tweets that she’s stepping down as managing director of Rock Health. Tecco helped co-found the organization in 2010, when it was primarily an accelerator program. It has now attempted to make the leap to seed investor, funding companies like Doctor on Demand, Augmedix, and Omada Health.



The Medical Society of Northern Virginia offers its members access to DoctorsTelemed services from CloudVisit.



File this under Finger Lickin’ Good (or Gross): KFC develops nail polish that tastes like fried chicken to boost brand awareness in Hong Kong. The polish is available in two shades – Original Recipe and Hot & Spicy.


JenniferMr. H, Lorre, Dr. Jayne, Dr. Gregg

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News 5/4/16

May 4, 2016 News Comments Off on News 5/4/16

Top News


Private equity firm Warburg Pincus acquires DocuTap for an undisclosed sum. Founded in 2000, the South Dakota-based company offers EHR, PM, and RCM software for primary and urgent care practices. It has raised $30 million in private equity over the last three years, adding 350 urgent care clinics in the last year alone. Founder and CEO Eric McDonald hopes the sale will help DocuTap expand its offerings to pediatric and more primary care physicians. “For DocuTap, the clients, the team, this is nothing but good news,” McDonald said. “They’re not moving the headquarters. They’re excited to get behind the leadership team, and they love the Sioux Falls community, so there aren’t any concerns on anybody’s part of downsizing or shifting gears.”


May 5 (Thursday) 2:00 ET. “Reducing CAUTI and Improving Early Sepsis Detection Through Clinical Process Measurement.” Sponsored by LogicStream. Presenters: Jen Biltoft, director of quality improvement, SCL Health; Marla Bare, EHR architect, SCL Health. This webinar will describe how SCL Health reduced catheter-associated urinary tract infections by 30 percent in just three months through clinical process measurement. The SCL Health presenters will also share their plans for applying a similar process to the early detection of sepsis.

May 11 (Wednesday) noon ET. “Measuring the Impact of ACA on Providers.” Sponsored by Athenahealth. Presenters: Dan Haley, general counsel, Athenahealth; Josh Gray, VP, AthenaResearch. Athenahealth will share the findings of real-time analysis of its provider network. The presenters will describe how patient financial obligations have changed, how physician reimbursement is trending, the patterns created by increased ACA coverage, and the effect of the latest ACA trends on physician practices.

Contact Lorre for webinar services. Past webinars are on our HIStalk webinars YouTube channel.



Debra Mathias joins Freed Associates as a consultant.


Apple hires Yoky Matsuoka, a co-founder of Google’s X lab and most recently head of technology at Nest, which Google acquired in 2014. Matsuoka will work on several health-related projects at Apple, including HealthKit, ResearchKit, and CareKit. She seems to be a true Renaissance woman: Injury waylaid her plans to become a tennis star, so she decided to pursue neurorobotics, for which she won a MacArthur Foundation “genius” grant in 2007.

Announcements and Implementations

Medical Center Radiologists (VA) renews its agreement with Zotec Partners for RCM services.



Marijuana Company of America begins offering virtual medical marijuana consults from Hello.MD to members of its Club Harmoneous subsidiary.

image relocates and expands into new offices in McKinney, TX. The company which was founded in 2014 by former AmeriDoc CMO Rey Colon, is also enhancing its 24-hour call center for provider and employer clients.


Philadelphia-based Tandigm Health, a primary care-focused joint venture between DaVita HealthCare Partners and Independence Blue Cross, partners with TouchCare to offer virtual consults to its network of 380 physicians.


In related news, Durham, NC-based TouchCare adds a check-in feature to its mobile app.

Healthx adds Teladoc services to its member services platform for payers.

Research and Innovation


A study in JAMA Dermatology finds that giving Medicaid patients access to virtual dermatology visits sharply increases the use of those services. Researchers saw the number of patients who received care from a dermatologist nearly double after the introduction of teladermatology services. Those services were used primarily by younger, healthier patients for less-severe skin conditions like warts and acne. The findings almost beg the question, “Did the increased use result simply from availability, or because the services were genuinely needed?”


A survey of 500 patients reveals that just 22 percent use access to their EHR to make healthcare decisions, despite the fact that 60 percent have access to them. The majority of respondents access their EHRs to simply stay informed, indicating there is an actionable gap between hard health data and a patient’s willingness to act upon it. The gap highlights the challenge that providers have had with patient engagement since MU attempted to incentivize it – you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink unless you explain how the act of drinking will benefit it (and you).


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, part two: The New Republic tells the fascinating tale of University of Amsterdam Professor of Clinical Psychology Merel Kindt and her development of a treatment that can “neutralize” fearful memories with a pill traditionally used to treat heart disease.

Sponsor Updates

  • AdvancedMD releases a new ebook, “Advanced Practice Training: Changing the Game in Financial Reporting.”
  • Aprima will exhibit at the ACP Internal Medicine Meeting 2016 May 5-7 in Washington, DC.
  • KLAS recognizes Nordic’s Epic implementation support and staffing services, also ranking the company for the first time in the IT Advisory segment with a 92.6 score.
  • EClinicalWorks will exhibit at the IMGMA Spring Conference May 5-6 in Indianapolis.
  • Healthwise will exhibit at the EClinicalWorks 2016 Health Center Summit May 11-13 in Boston.

Blog Posts


JenniferMr. H, Lorre, Dr. Jayne, Dr. Gregg

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News 5/3/16

May 3, 2016 News Comments Off on News 5/3/16

Top News


Health IT and management services company DAS Health acquires the EHR and PM business of Jackson Key Practice Solutions. It’s the third acquisition for the Tampa, FL-based company in the past seven months. The company acquired Spectra Healthcare’s RCM portfolio last October, and ConXit Technology Group in January.

HIStalk Practice Announcements and Requests


Do yourself a favor and check out Dr. Gregg’s latest DOCtalk, “This is What Happens When MACRA.” He definitely gives ZDogg a run for his money.


May 5 (Thursday) 2:00 ET. “Reducing CAUTI and Improving Early Sepsis Detection Through Clinical Process Measurement.” Sponsored by LogicStream. Presenters: Jen Biltoft, director of quality improvement, SCL Health; Marla Bare, EHR architect, SCL Health. This webinar will describe how SCL Health reduced catheter-associated urinary tract infections by 30 percent in just three months through clinical process measurement. The SCL Health presenters will also share their plans for applying a similar process to the early detection of sepsis.

Contact Lorre for webinar services. Past webinars are on our HIStalk webinars YouTube channel.

Announcements and Implementations


SuperCoder launches the online HIPAA Institute to help physician practices better understand HIPAA’s privacy, security, and data breach requirements.


Physical Therapy Innovations (CA) upgrades its three facilities to Clinicient’s Total Insight automated clinical, financial, and RCM solution.


National advocacy organization Young People in Recovery joins MAP Health Management’s MAP Recovery Network. As part of the network, YPR will offer its chapters access to MAP’s population health management solutions to collect, measure, and demonstrate addiction-treatment data.

The National Association for Trusted Exchange (NATE) and CommonWell Health Alliance become members of each other’s organizations.

PerfectByte adds flat rate credit card processing to its practice management software for physician, dental, and orthodontic practices.

Transitional care management app vendor Phyzit joins the Athenahealth More Disruption Please online marketplace.



Glen Golemi (UnitedHealthcare) joins EQHealth Solutions as president and CEO.


Arkansas Surgeon General Greg Bledsoe, MD joins Phyzit’s advisory board and becomes an equity owner of the company. 

Government and Politics

CMS keeps the MACRA and MIPS resources coming with the MIPS Mobile Challenge. The competition will encourage developers to design a website or app that will give physicians real-time information on the new program – not to mention entice potentially 1.2 million eligible physicians to participate in the program. The two-phase competition will award a $25,000 grand prize in mid-October.



CMS approves Medicaid reimbursement for virtual consults at FQHCs in Connecticut. The approval comes after the completion of a year-long pilot project across Community Health Center facilities that conducted 1,000 remote consults using Safety Net Connect’s telemedicine platform.



HIPPA strikes again: The Buffalo Medical Group (NY) launches an investigation into a fraudulent letter sent to several patients stating that they had suffered HIPAA violations at the hands of a chatty BMG nurse who shared confidential patient details with her boyfriend while on the phone. BMG officials realized the letter was most likely fake due to the overzealous use of “HIPPA.”

Smart scales are one thing; front-door locks are something else entirely: Computer scientists discover flaws in Samsung’s Smart Home automation system that let them wage a range of remote attacks, including “picking” connected door locks from any location. They recommend that consumers “think twice before using the system to connect door locks and other security-critical components.” (IoT is beginning to creep me out.)


JenniferMr. H, Lorre, Dr. Jayne, Dr. Gregg

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