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HIStalk Practice Interviews AMA President David Barbe, MD

August 17, 2017 Interviews Comments Off on HIStalk Practice Interviews AMA President David Barbe, MD

Family physician David Barbe, MD is president of the American Medical Association. After 15 years in independent practice, he merged his practice with the 650-physician Mercy health system in Springfield, MO, where he is now VP of regional operations.


Tell me about yourself and the organization.

It’s really an exciting time to be president of the AMA with all that is going on in healthcare. The AMA is the largest and oldest national physician organization. We have over 220,000 members including students and residents – practicing physicians from all over the country in every specialty. It’s a way that we can bring the voice of physicians together so that we can, in fact, speak with one voice and articulate those issues that are most important for physicians and our patients.

You spent a good part of your early career as an independent physician before moving to hospital employment. How have you seen technology improve medicine? And on the flip side, how have you seen it take away from the art of medicine?

Once upon a time, when I first entered practice 34 years ago, everything was paper – prescriptions were paper and the chart was paper. Some physicians made pretty good paper charts and others didn’t. The EHR came into being really barely more than 10 years ago. I think most people think it’s been with us forever, but widespread adoption of the EHR is only about 10 years old. There were EHRs before that, but very few physicians in the country were using them. I think most of us looked at the EHR with great hope and anticipation. We understood the potential and the promise of the EHR, but for many physicians, and I would say even most physicians, the EHR has become a very significant source of frustration. It is the first or the second thing that physicians list when they talk about dissatisfaction with the way their practices are going and what stresses them.

While the EHR does continue to show promise, we are a long way from being in the perfect world with our EHRs. The AMA issued a white paper a couple of years ago. The authoring task force brought in practicing physicians from all over the country to talk about what it would take to make the EHR better. We came up with things that range from doing a better job of supporting team-based care to doing a better job of promoting care coordination. Reducing workload in terms of providing more effective decision support at the time of care, data liquidity, and interoperability continue to be a big problem. If a patient sees another physician and they’re on a different EHR than I am, that information just doesn’t transfer back and forth smoothly. We have a lot of opportunity for improvement.

The AMA believes that getting a practicing physician’s voice into that development and refinement process is critical. We work really hard with the vendors to try to encourage them to talk to practicing physicians to take to heart what we’re telling them about what does not work for us, and design that into the next update and next generation of the EHR.

Speaking of physician frustrations with EHRs, how do you plan on helping the AMA work to reduce physician burnout?

Most of the studies on this show that burnout comes from external factors. It’s things like the stresses of the EHR, workload and productivity, uncertainty regarding payment methods, the challenges of documenting and reporting the various quality metrics and Meaningful Use metrics that we are being asked now to report on. All of those things interfere with the doctor-patient relationship at some level. We did a study just last year that shows physicians spend twice as much time during their work day on the EHR and what I’ll call paperwork-related activities as they spend with their patients. The AMA has devoted a lot of resources to this. Physicians consider themselves evidence-based. The AMA has taken a lot of effort to gather information about what would really help.

We write that down into three big categories. One is, how do we change the external environment? How do we then give physicians tools to better cope with what we have to deal with? There’s still going to be that part of us that has to strive for more satisfaction, a better work-life balance, and adapting better to those external stressors. AMA has put together a suite of products called Steps Forward that contains 40 modules ranging from how to be more efficient at reauthorizing prescriptions to how to conduct a better meeting within your group practice, and everything in between. We have a lot of information in there about how to prepare your practice for quality reporting that has come down the pike under MACRA. It’s a broad suite of products.

We also want to change the practice environment. We want to reduce the burden, for instance, of prior authorizations. The AMA has put together a white paper with 21 recommendations of how the paperwork burden and a pre-authorization burden can be reduced and yet not compromise some of the things, if you will, that the insurance companies feel like they need to accomplish with their prior authorization forms. We have been successful. We’re seeing insurance companies discontinue requirements for prior authorizations in different markets. That will have a very meaningful improvement in a physician’s life. We found that it takes an average physician, or his or her staff, 16 hours a week to do prior authorizations. That’s two full work days for someone to do prior authorizations that add very little, if any, value to the care we give. In fact, they often delay care. Ninety percent of physicians said that care has been delayed due to the time it takes to process and get approval on a prior authorization.

The AMA also seems to focusing its resources on the opioid epidemic and educating physicians about best prescribing practices. What role do you see technology playing in stemming this tide?

We believe that the PDMP – a good, well-functioning PDMP – is critical to helping physicians help their patients through this very difficult issue of opioid misuse and what it often leads to, which is substance abuse. The good PDMPs, and I’ll define what I mean by that, they have clearly shown that they reduce prescribing. We see evidence of this in fewer overdoses and fewer deaths as opioid prescribing goes down.

Good PDMPs are products that have real-time information. If I see a patient on a given day and PDMP data is a month old, then I don’t know if they went to two other doctors over the course of that past month. It needs to be in near real-time. It needs to be easy to access as part of the physician’s natural workflow. If you have to get out of your EHR, log in to a PDMP, and go through several security steps – and all that takes five minutes to get there – that physician is just not going to use that. That is not an efficient use of their time even though when they get there, the information may be good. It needs to be a natural part of the workflow, easily incorporated and accessed through their EHR, and contain timely information. If you make it easy, physicians want this information. They know how important it is. We need to continue to work toward making each of these as easy as possible to use. That is a huge step.

In terms of other technologies, there are some that are developing out there that will help patients more closely regulate their own use. If I prescribe a bottle of 100 pills to a patient, I don’t know if they take them in one week or two weeks, or if it really lasted the whole month that it was intended to. There are dispensing systems out there in which the medication is dispensed out on a daily basis so that it makes it less possible for a patient to misuse the medication that they’re given. Things like that are also on the rise. I expect that some innovative physician developers will come up with other easy to use, effective apps that would help patients and physicians do a better job at monitoring and tracking medication use.

Let’s back up to PDMPs for just a second. Are there any states that you’ve heard of that are using them in really effective ways?

In terms of good examples, there is some sharing of information between state PDMPs, but quite honestly, these things often end up getting hung up in state legislatures. That slows down our ability to be nimble and to make rapid cycle improvements in PDMP effectiveness. That also requires state-to-state collaboration, the sharing of information across state lines. In my home state of Missouri, we have two large metropolitan areas that are right on the state line – St. Louis on the east and Kansas City on the west. If you live in Illinois and you come to Missouri to see a doctor, the doctor can’t access the Illinois PDMP; same thing on the other side of the state. Again, opening these up, making the information available across state lines, certainly in regional areas, would really be a giant step forward.

What are your thoughts on the black eye Missouri has created for itself in terms of standing up a statewide PDMP?

The fact that we haven’t been able to get a PDMP approved has been a real sore spot for physicians in the state. Again, sometimes the problem rests with the state legislature. That has been the case in Missouri. It demonstrates, however, how determined physicians and other governmental agencies are at getting this information into the hands of prescribers. You may be aware that in St. Louis, St. Louis County has actually developed a PDMP that they are willing to share with other counties around the state. That is really gaining traction as a workaround to a statewide PDMP. I think it will actually not only help us in this intermediate term, but will actually move the discussion at the state level forward in a more effective way.

Speaking of state legislation, how are you seeing the political climate in Washington affect AMA members? Are they heartened that HHS Secretary Tom Price, MD comes from a physician background? Happy that the ACA is still in place?

We always think it is important that a physician leads agencies like HHS and even CMS. We would prefer to see physicians in all of those roles, especially physicians that have had practice experience. Someone who has been in the trenches and understands what it’s like to work in an EHR, what the burden and the hassle of prior authorizations is like. A physician that has that background is in a better position to understand and address those problems. We hope the current administration will address regulatory relief, making it easier to practice medicine, taking less time away from our patients, and giving us more time for the highest and best use of a physician’s training. We do believe that the current administration is more interested in that. We have begun to see movement in that.

We also know that the Republican Congress seems to be a little more favorable toward regulatory relief. It was just a couple of weeks ago that I met with Chairman Brady of the House Ways and Means Committee to discuss regulatory relief and how could they change things to make it easier for physicians to do their job. I am cautiously optimistic that we are going to see improvement.

The other big area, of course, is health system reform and where we stand with regard to potential changes in the ACA. The AMA believes that significant gains were made under it, including Medicaid expansion, and insurance exchanges and subsidies to help patients with low and moderate incomes purchase insurance were very beneficial. We saw 20 million people get insurance that did not have it prior to the ACA. That is a good thing.

We also believe that there are some areas in which the ACA is falling short or not working. Affordability is one of those. Even with the subsidies, there are some low-income individuals that have difficulty affording coverage. The other thing is the high deductibles in some of those plans. If you’re low income, even if you’ve been able to afford the premium, you still may not really have access to care because of the high deductible.

The stabilization of the insurance markets also needs urgent attention. You may know that over a third of the counties in this country have only one offering in the insurance exchange. That’s really no choice at all if you value patient choice, which the AMA does. One insurance company is not choice. There are many counties that now have no offerings in the exchange. If we were to have this conversation six months ago, 97 out of 114 counties in Missouri had only one offering on the exchange. I’m sad to say that a couple of months ago, an insurance company pulled out of the Kansas City area and has left 24 Missouri counties now with no insurance offering. This action is by the insurance company. I’m not defending them. They have simply not found the insurance exchanges to be profitable. They have been losing money in many areas of the country.

In order to get the insurance companies back in, the AMA would like to see the cost sharing reduction program stabilized and effectively reinstituted so that insurance companies can offset some of the premium cost to low-income individuals. We’d also like to see a reinsurance-type program such that if insurance company losses are excessive, there is a reinsurance to limit their losses. It’s through those types of programs that we can entice some of the insurance companies back into these markets where there’s no offering in the exchanges. We believe that competition will actually help bring down premium prices, and certainly improve choice and availability for patients.

What health technology has you most excited in terms of its ability to help improve access and outcomes?

The AMA is very interested in what I’ll generically call telehealth. It’s often referred to as telemedicine, but I think it is much broader than that. It improves the ability to link physicians and patients in ways that we’ve not been able to do before. We now have the technology available to link up, let’s say, a specialist in an urban area or an academic center with patients in a more rural area. For me, in Missouri, that really makes a difference. In my day job as a physician executive with my health system, I oversee five small hospitals and 75 physician practices – some of which are 100 miles away from urban or tertiary care centers. We are already employing technologies like e-hospitalist where we have a hospitalist or an intensivist in an urban area that can provide backup and assistance to both nurses and physicians in a smaller rural hospital. It allows us to sometimes keep patients in a rural hospital that would otherwise have to have been transferred, sometimes hours away to a tertiary care center. Things like that really make a difference in patient care.

We believe that we’ve just scratched the surface. To that end, the AMA is involved in many activities to help accelerate the development of and adoption of new technologies – all the way from simple limited scope technologies like apps on a mobile device all the way up to how we make the EHR better. As I said earlier, we really want to insert the voice and the experience of the practicing physician into this development process earlier. To that end, for instance, the AMA participates in innovation center in Chicago called Matter, where we have the opportunity for practicing physicians to come in and meet with innovators and discuss their ideas. We have a mock exam room in which we can actually try to see how these innovations would play out in a real-world practice. We believe doing that will help make the final products more usable.

What frustrates physicians as much as anything is that these new technologies may be developed in a vacuum with regard to practicing physician input. They’re developed and rolled out to doctors with the promise of being the next best thing. But I look at it and say, “What practicing physician ever thought this would work for them?" In many cases, in spite of best efforts, they just haven’t engaged with practicing physicians. We really think that there’s a lot of opportunity out there for new technology and physicians are eager to adapt. We’re ready to do things that will help patient care. It’s just that much of technology at this point has been as much of a curse as a blessing.

Do you have any final thoughts?

I think it is important for physicians to be involved and engaged. We talked about physician burnout. When physicians get burned out, they tend to disengage. This is the wrong time for that. We need every physician to be in there, to be active in their groups, to be active in their hospitals if they have a hospital part of their practice. To be active in physician organizations like their county and state medical societies. That’s how we change difficult practice environments – through physician involvement and engagement. The AMA wants to help that happen. I encourage physicians to stay connected and engaged, and to not withdraw. That’s how we’re going to make things better.


Jenn, Mr. H, Lorre

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News 8/16/17

August 16, 2017 News Comments Off on News 8/16/17

Top News


Ares Management invests $1.45 billion in Chicago-based DuPage Medical Group, which includes 80 locations, a practice management company, and managed care subsidiary. The group, one of the largest independent, multispecialty organizations of its kind in the country, seems to be bucking the trend of hospital acquisition, instead consistently gobbling up local providers with the help of last year’s $250 million investment from growth equity firm Summit Partners. DMG will use this latest, largest investment to expand beyond its Illinois borders and ramp up population health initiatives.


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August 17 (Thursday) 2:00 ET. “Repeal and Replace McKesson’s EIS.” Sponsored by HIStalk. Presenters: Frank Poggio, CEO, The Kelzon Group; Vince Ciotti, principal, HIS Professionals. The brutally honest and cynically funny Frank and Vince will analyze the Allscripts acquisition of McKesson’s EIS business. They will predict what it means for EIS’s 500+ customers, review what other vendors those customers might consider, describe lessons learned from previous industry acquisitions, and predict how the acquisition will affect the overall health IT market. Their 2014 webinar on Cerner’s acquisition of Siemens Health Services has generated over 8,000 YouTube views.

Previous webinars are on our YouTube channel. Contact Lorre for information on webinar services.

Announcements and Implementations


New York City-based patient relationship management vendor develops ScheduleSync, a customizable, EHR-friendly online scheduling tool that gives patients the ability to book appointments from a practice’s website, Facebook page, or search listing.

Acquisitions, Funding, Business, and Stock


RCM vendor ESolutions acquires healthcare analytics company RemitData in a move that it hopes will attract ambulatory surgery center customers. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. This is the second acquisition for ESolutions in as many years; it bought ClaimRemedi for an undisclosed amount in March of last year.



The Kentucky Medical Association appoints ophthalmologist Maurice Oakley, MD president.

Government and Politics

Vermont Public Radio focuses on a looming physician shortage that will see 30 percent of the state’s 60-and-over PCPs retire within the next several years. Members of the state’s Green Mountain Regulatory Board are considering several ways in which to attract younger primary care docs to the state, including reimbursing the tuition of medical students who stay to practice in Vermont. Vermont Medical Society President Paul Harrington stresses that, “The whole model that we’re going towards of promoting better coordination of care requires a strong relationship with a primary care physician and it is going to fail unless we have an adequate supply ….”



Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas receives $48,000 from UnitedHealthcare during a special ceremony during National Health Center Week. The FQHC will use the funds, given out as part of a grant program launched by the payer early this year, to build out telemedicine services. CHCSEK also received over $160,000 yesterday from HHS for its quality improvements.

Specialty medical services company Castle International will offer virtual consults from Akos to its global network of employers and private clients.


Officials in Brazoria County, Texas decide to add RediMD telemedicine services to employee health benefits – a move they anticipate will cut the county’s healthcare expenses by up to 66 percent.


The Southeastern Telehealth Resource Center – housed within the Georgia Partnership for Telehealth – receives a HRSA grant of $975,000, reaffirming the federal agency’s commitment to SETRC for the fourth year in a row. The center serves those looking for telemedicine expertise and resources in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina.

Sponsor Updates

  • EClinicalWorks supports National Health Center Week and the 700 Community Health Centers that use its systems. The company was also named as a Frost & Sullivan customer value leadership award winner for its RCM services.

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Jenn, Mr. H, Lorre

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News 8/15/17

August 15, 2017 News Comments Off on News 8/15/17

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Coinciding with National Health Center Week, HHS doles out $105 million to 1,333 centers across the country. The centers were chosen based on high performance levels in categories related to improving quality, increasing access, addressing health disparities, achieving PCMH recognition, and improving upon delivery of value-based care. The centers will use the funds to continue improving in similar areas.


A quick glance at the #NHCW17 hashtag finds many health centers holding special events this week, including free screenings and test, fresh produce giveaways, and roundtables with local legislators. Some seem a bit misguided in their patient-appreciation efforts, handing out coupons and vouchers for local fast food chains.


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August 17 (Thursday) 2:00 ET. “Repeal and Replace McKesson’s EIS.” Sponsored by HIStalk. Presenters: Frank Poggio, CEO, The Kelzon Group; Vince Ciotti, principal, HIS Professionals. The brutally honest and cynically funny Frank and Vince will analyze the Allscripts acquisition of McKesson’s EIS business. They will predict what it means for EIS’s 500+ customers, review what other vendors those customers might consider, describe lessons learned from previous industry acquisitions, and predict how the acquisition will affect the overall health IT market. Their 2014 webinar on Cerner’s acquisition of Siemens Health Services has generated over 8,000 YouTube views.

Previous webinars are on our YouTube channel. Contact Lorre for information on webinar services.

Announcements and Implementations


PatientPop adds appointment scheduling capabilities via a practice’s Google business listing to its PM system. PatientPop Director and ex-Googler Joel Headley seems to have stumbled upon the new feature last week.

Practice consulting and technology company Complete HealthCare Solutions develops a single sign-on solution for its EMDs, Lytec, and Medisoft customers that includes API connectivity to DrFirst e-prescribing and other healthcare applications.


Aledade will work with the New Jersey Academy of Family Physicians to launch a statewide, primary care-focused ACO in early 2018.


Nonprofit OpenEMR announces a cloud-based version of its open source EHR and PM software.



Nicholas Gettas, MD (Cigna) joins value-based healthcare consulting startup CareAllies as SVP and CMO.

Research and Innovation

A Rock Health poll of vague proportions finds that 70 percent of startup respondents are interested in pre-certification from the FDA for their medical software products. The agency will launch a pre-certification pilot program at a yet-to-be determined date as part of its Digital Health Innovation Action Plan, which aims to help ease market entry for low-risk digital health products.



In a bid for better security, SnapMD transitions its Virtual Care Management telemedicine platform to Microsoft Azure Cloud Services.


The local business paper reports that American Well is adding office space at its headquarters in Boston after increasing its employee headcount there to 400 in the last year.


HHS awards a $325,000 grant to the Northeast Telehealth Resource Center in Maine. The center, one of 14 across the country, provides telemedicine-related resources, services, and support to healthcare organizations in eight states.



NCQA creates an online toolkit to help practices participate in MACRA. Available resources include best practices, case studies, podcasts, and videos.


Jenn, Mr. H, Lorre

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News 8/14/17

August 14, 2017 News Comments Off on News 8/14/17

Top News



Amazing Charts decides to retire its InLight EHR due to “poor market adoption” over the last several years. The Pri-Med subsidiary has given customers a 60-day notice (with several typos that don’t do anything to bolster end user confidence in the company), after which it will turn off all product support. The technology doesn’t seem to have been around all that long – launching in 2015 with the problem-oriented medical record “front and center,” as Dr. Gregg attested to in his glowing 2016 HIMSS review.


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August 17 (Thursday) 2:00 ET. “Repeal and Replace McKesson’s EIS.” Sponsored by HIStalk. Presenters: Frank Poggio, CEO, The Kelzon Group; Vince Ciotti, principal, HIS Professionals. The brutally honest and cynically funny Frank and Vince will analyze the Allscripts acquisition of McKesson’s EIS business. They will predict what it means for EIS’s 500+ customers, review what other vendors those customers might consider, describe lessons learned from previous industry acquisitions, and predict how the acquisition will affect the overall health IT market. Their 2014 webinar on Cerner’s acquisition of Siemens Health Services has generated over 8,000 YouTube views.

Previous webinars are on our YouTube channel. Contact Lorre for information on webinar services.

Announcements and Implementations


AdvancedMD launches AdvancedReputation, which automatically emails or texts patients a one-question satisfaction poll following their office or telemedicine visit and invites those who score positively to post their feedback on the practice’s Google business profile. Those who score negatively are asked to describe their experience to be posted privately to the provider’s dashboard.


The Daniel Kids Foundation (FL) selects TenEleven Group’s EHR to support its pediatric behavioral health programs.



Amy Cheslock (Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield) joins Privia Health as president of Privia Medical Group – Georgia.


The Morgan County Commission in Decatur, AL extends its contract with MDLive for another year. The decision comes just a few weeks after commission members voted against an extension, citing lack of utilization on the part of its 390 employees. “I think that really could be a great tool to help offset some of the costs if we could just get some of our employees to utilize it, and think maybe education is where we failed,” says Commissioner Randy Vest, adding that employees didn’t use it because they didn’t realize it was free.

Government and Politics


In an effort to stem its statewide opioid epidemic, the Minnesota Dept. of Human Services will update its Fast Tracker mental health services online search tool to include addiction treatment openings. “This is another step forward to really making sure that the system of care for addiction is really more modern and more consumer focused,” explains Assistant Human Services Commissioner Claire Wilson, who expects the real-time database to be fully operational within the next two years.


Jenn, Mr. H, Lorre

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Population Health Management Weekly Wrap Up 8/13/17

August 13, 2017 News Comments Off on Population Health Management Weekly Wrap Up 8/13/17


David McConney (Temenos USA) joins Altruista Health as COO.


Vaya Health promotes Rhonda Cox to be its first chief population health officer. She will lead the managed care organization’s care coordination department and new population health management department.


Evolent Health reports Q2 results: revenue up 89 percent, EPS –$0.13 vs. –$0.25, beating revenue expectations and meeting on earnings. News of the company’s plan to launch a $175 million secondary public offering  sent shares down 17 percent in early after-hours trading last week.


Hurley Medical Center (MI) and its nonprofit foundation partner with several community organizations to launch a food pharmacy. Patients deemed eligible via Epic EHR screening questions will be referred to the hospital’s on-site pharmacy, where they can pick up two days’ worth of healthy food and register to meet with a dietician.


Multispecialty group practice Crystal Run Healthcare (NY) taps Evolent Health to provide Third Party Administrator services and population health management technology for its Medicaid and commercial health plans. The company will initially offer benefits to lower-income consumers that don’t qualify for Medicaid, with an eye towards eventually expanding its offerings to members of its ACO.


Population health management firm Qualis Health develops an online resource center and help desk to help physicians in Idaho and Washington participate in MACRA’s value-based programs.


Population health management company ApolloMed takes a minority equity stake in Boynton Beach, FL-based telemedicine hardware and software startup LifeMD. ApolloMed CEO Warren Hosseinion, MD will join LifeMD’s Board of Directors. ApolloMed will likely extend LifeMD’s virtual consult capabilities to its customers, which include ACOs, IPOs, and home health providers.


NextGen will acquire population health management-focused analytics company EagleDream Health for $26 million. Expected to close this quarter, the agreement marks the second acquisition for NextGen this year; it acquired mobile physician documentation vendor Entrada in April for $34 million.

Cedar Valley Medical Specialists (IA) chooses EHR and population health solutions from EClinicalWorks.


Jenn, Mr. H, Lorre

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