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News 8/9/17

August 9, 2017 News Comments Off on News 8/9/17

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President Trump declines to issue a state of emergency related to the opioid crisis, despite the recommendations of an interim report authored by a special commission on the crisis chaired by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. Instead, the administration will tackle the problem through a developing strategy that will involve a number of federal departments and local resources including healthcare providers, law enforcement, community organizations, patients and their families. HHS Secretary Tom Price, MD shared the news during a Q&A after his briefing on the epidemic with President Trump and the First Lady. He reiterated that the president will give it all the attention it deserves: “The President certainly believes that we will treat it as an emergency – and it is an emergency. When you have the capacity of Yankee Stadium or Dodger Stadium dying every single year in this nation, that’s a crisis that has to be given incredible attention, and the President is giving it that attention.”


None scheduled soon. Previous webinars are on our YouTube channel. Contact Lorre for information on webinar services.

Announcements and Implementations

Gettysburg Diagnostic Imaging (PA) selects RCM and PM software and credentialing services from Healthcare Administrative Partners.

Integra Connects will offer Community Oncology Medical Home program triage pathways for first responders and nurses from Innovative Oncology Business Solutions as part of its Oncology Care Model and population health solutions for oncology practices.


The Rhode Island Primary Care Physicians Corp. – an IPA comprised of over 350 PCPs and specialists – will pilot Seniorlink’s Vela care coordination and communication technology for providers, caregivers, patients, and family members over a six-month period. The success of the pilot, which will enroll 500 patients, will be based on patient satisfaction, the ability of providers to communicate with patients, medication reconciliation, ED utilization, and ease of access to advance directives.


Evolution Physical Therapy (CA) adds EWellness Healthcare’s tele-physical therapy services (including live and on-demand PT regimens) at its four clinics in Los Angeles.

Government and Politics


Physicians in Colorado cry foul thanks to a new Medicaid reimbursement system that, since undergoing an upgrade in March, has routinely rejected claims it previously accepted. State officials have pointed to user enrollment error as the cause of delayed payments. Providers like Charles Hanson, MD – who is still waiting on $100,000 in reimbursement – aren’t taking the situation lying down. The large LED sign on his office building now reads, “Newsflash! Medicaid is NOT paying its claims.”

The Illinois Blockchain Initiative will work with Hashed Health on a pilot that will test the ways in which blockchain can streamline and securely automate the process of approving and obtaining multistate and interstate licensures.



Population health management company ApolloMed takes a minority equity stake in Boynton Beach, FL-based telemedicine hardware and software startup LifeMD. ApolloMed CEO Warren Hosseinion, MD will join LifeMD’s Board of Directors. ApolloMed will likely extend LifeMD’s virtual consult capabilities to its customers, which include ACOs, IPOs, and home health providers.


Nearly 100 percent of employers will make telemedicine services available to their employees in 2018, according to a National Business Group on Health survey of 148 large employers that offer health benefits to a combined 15 million employees and their families. Just over half will offer telemedicine for behavioral health. The ubiquitous interest in the technology comes at a time when these same employers expect to see a 5-percent increase in benefit costs for the fifth year in a row, according to NBGH.



Because this is important: This article highlights the science behind the discovery of optimal dunking time for an Oreo cookie. (Spoiler alert: It’s about three seconds.) Utah State University’s Splash Lab conducted the determining tests. The team has also assessed the insulating properties of bears, the physics of the perfect skipping stone, and the fluid dynamics of urinal splashback (because that, too, is important).

Sponsor Updates

  • Aprima will host its annual user conference August 18-20 in Dallas, TX.
  • Nordic publishes a podcast titled “Why change management is critical to a successful EHR transition.”
  • EClinicalWorks announces that users of its EHR have exchanged two million documents in the past 12 months through the Carequality Interoperability Framework.

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Jenn, Mr. H, Lorre

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News 8/8/17

August 8, 2017 News Comments Off on News 8/8/17

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CMS Deputy Administrator and CMO Patrick Conway, MD will leave the agency after six years to head up Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina. Conway, who is also head of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation, will take over from retiring Brad Wilson on October 1. Conway’s decision follows the similar path of former National Coordinator Vindell Washington, MD who joined Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana in June as CMO.


None scheduled soon. Previous webinars are on our YouTube channel. Contact Lorre for information on webinar services.

Announcements and Implementations


EClinicalWorks announces that over 2 million documents have been exchanged by its EHR via the Carequality Interoperability Framework over the last year. The company was one of the 13 founding adopters of the framework, which became available in late 2015.

Elsevier and the AMA will develop e-learning course content for the CPT code set.

OneTouch EMR adds Kno2’s Direct messaging capabilities to help its ambulatory end users more easily share data with other providers.


Center for Life Management, a New Hampshire-based behavioral health services provider, replaces its 10 year-old document management system with OpenText’s document capture and retention management solution.



DoctorsManagement promotes Gene Good to CEO. Former CEO Paul King will remain president and chairman of the board.

InstaMed adds Karen Atwood, Bill Frist, MD (Cressey & Co.), Cynthia Nustad (HMS), Larry Stone, and Lew Trowbridge to its Board of Directors and Advisory Board.



Mobile dermatology clinic and telemedicine company WellAve expands in Maryland with the opening of a new practice in Annapolis. The company brings its mobile clinics to local employers, senior living facilities, and other providers.

Research and Innovation


A study in Health Affairs highlights the increasing levels of job dissatisfaction experienced by FQHC employees. Researchers surveyed 564 physicians, nurses, and staff at 296 centers – all of which were pursuing medical home designations – over a two-year period. Respondents noted declining satisfaction with job satisfaction, work environment, and practice culture, which analysts attribute to rapid adoption of technology and the intense workloads that come with participating in federal programs. “Things appear to have gotten worse over a short period of time at clinics that serve many of the nation’s poorest and sickest patients, and we’re not sure why,” says the Mark Friedberg, MD the study’s lead author. “This merits more attention.”


The Medical Society of Delaware will work with Clearwater, FL-based healthcare blockchain startup Medscient to develop distributed ledger technology for prior authorizations. The organizations will work with technology developed by Symbiont, Delaware’s Blockchain Initiative partner, which will incorporate rules agreed on by caregivers and payers that hopefully speed up the prior authorization process.


Jenn, Mr. H, Lorre

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News 8/7/17

August 7, 2017 News Comments Off on News 8/7/17

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American Telemedicine Association CEO Jon Linkous will step down after 24 years with the organization. COO Sabrina Smith, MD will take on the role until a replacement is found. Linkous helped found the Washington, DC-based nonprofit in 1993. His departure comes at an interesting time for the association, which outsourced its certification capabilities earlier this year; and telemedicine in general, which seems to be increasing in popularity thanks to relaxed state regulations, better/existing reimbursement policies, technology that is more ubiquitous and easier to use; not to mention its attractiveness as a customer service differentiator.


None scheduled soon. Previous webinars are on our YouTube channel. Contact Lorre for information on webinar services.

Acquisitions, Funding, Business, and Stock


Exeter, NH-based CBS Medical Billing & Consulting opens a second office in nearby Portsmouth. Founded in 2010 by Erin Cammarata, the company has grown to 30 employees, nine of which will work at the new location.

Government and Politics


Congress confirms anesthesiologist and Indiana state health commissioner Jerome Adams, MD as the 20th Surgeon General of the United States. Adams has said he will focus on bringing more attention to the opioid epidemic and its roots in mental health, as well as employer and community engagement around wellness.


Lawmakers also confirms Elinore McCance-Katz, MD to be the first Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use within HHS. She comes from Rhode Island, where she served in the state’s Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Development Disabilities and Hospitals as CMO. She also served as SAMHSA’s first CMO, from 2013-2015. I imagine she and the new Surgeon General will interact often given the administration’s focus on opioid abuse.


New Jersey’s Division of Consumer Affairs adds a Suspicious Activity Report portal to its PDMP, giving pharmacists, physicians, and citizens the ability to report suspected overprescribing, doctor shopping, and forged or stolen prescriptions. The portal’s addition comes a month after the DCA expanded the PDMP’s archived prescribing records from one year to two.



A Chance to Change, a behavioral health, alcoholism, and drug addiction treatment center in Oklahoma City, OK, will use grant funding from the Oklahoma City Community Foundation to develop telemedicine services for its patients. The nonprofit seems to be developing software in-house, and is also scouting locations on which to build or install private areas for virtual consults.

Research and Innovation


A study published by the National Bureau of Economic Research finds that physicians from top-tier medical schools wrote far fewer opioid prescriptions between 2006 and 2014 than did those that attended lower-ranked institutions. Harvard grads, for example, wrote less than 100 prescriptions annually, while their less prestigious peers averaged 300. The discrepancy, according to the study’s authors, highlights a need for more rigorous curricula around the prescribing of controlled substances.



HITRUST enlists the expertise of cybersecurity firm Trend Micro to set up its Cyber Threat Management and Response Center. Building on its Cyber Threat XChange information-sharing capabilities, the new center aims to come to the defense of organizations with “varying cybersecurity maturity levels” by bringing new research and educational resources to market more quickly. It will launch on October 1.


In San Francisco and Australia, LinkedIn launches a mentoring service that aims to connect users interested in sharing their expertise with those interested in learning from it. “We have done research and found that among the senior ranks of our user base, nine out of 10 people have said they want to give back,” says Hari Srinivasan, head of identity products. “Paying it forward is a powerful force. All of them received help on the way up and now want to find a way to give that help back to others.” The service will eventually be open to all users.


Jenn, Mr. H, Lorre

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News 8/3/17

August 3, 2017 News Comments Off on News 8/3/17

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The Government Accountability Office announces the 15 members of its new Health Information Technology Advisory Committee. Created by the 21st Century Cures Act, the committee will offer ONC recommendations on health IT policies, standards, certification criteria, and implementation specifications. Nine work for health systems, one works for a payer, three work for vendors, and two work for nonprofits. None seem to represent independent providers.


None scheduled in the coming weeks. Previous webinars are on our YouTube channel. Contact Lorre for information on webinar services.

Announcements and Implementations


Acuitas Health, a physician services organization serving practices in New York, will offer its customers data warehousing, analytics, and care management software from Health Catalyst.


Cancer Care Specialists of Illinois selects care management technologies and consulting services from New Century Health as part of a multi-year agreement focused on its participation in the CMS Oncology Care Model.


State of Franklin Healthcare Associates (TN) implements business intelligence and analytics tools from EQHealth Solutions at its 12 practices.

Acquisitions, Funding, Business, and Stock


Colorado-based Encompass Medical Partners rebrands to Encompass Healthcare Data Solutions. Initially a billing company for physician specialty practices, the company now also offers data science services.



Medication education company Knowledge to Practice appoints Joseph Lemheney (Lehigh Valley Health Network) chief learning officer.


Former CEO Kevin Counihan joins Centene, where he’ll lead the health insurer’s Midwestern business. Centene has bucked the “imploding” ACA marketplace trend by announcing entry into several new state markets and expansion into six existing ones.


Meade Atkinson (Genesis Healthcare Solutions) joins RCM and consulting company TDM RCM Services as partner and chief growth officer.



Teladoc announces Q2 results: revenue up 68 percent, with membership increasing 33 percent to 20.5 million, and visits increasing 55 percent to 309,000. The company wrapped up its $440 million acquisition of Best Doctors, a global company that provides virtual medical consult services to employers and payers, last month.

Global Office Software will make EWellness Healthcare’s PHZIO virtual physical therapy solution available through its EHR and PM software.

Government and Politics


CMS opens up applications for providers interested in exempting from the Quality Payment Program in 2017. Hardship exception applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.



Twitter seems awfully quiet now that Andy Slavitt’s tweet storms have abated.


Jenn, Mr. H, Lorre

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From the Consultant’s Corner 8/3/17

August 3, 2017 From the Consultant's Corner Comments Off on From the Consultant’s Corner 8/3/17

Crossroads Between Physician Productivity and Burnout
By Nancy Gagliano, MD

The scenario is all too common. Practice expenses are rising while physicians are asking for reduced clinical sessions and productivity requirements. Everyone is worrying about physician burnout. Increased and shifting regulations have dramatically increased the complexity of delivering patient care. MACRA, EHR adoption and usage, coding compliance, quality monitoring, and prior authorizations have all amplified the administrative burden that has fallen disproportionately into the hands of physicians. Physicians, particularly, primary care doctors, are spending close to half of their time performing administrative tasks including documentation. This article reviews physician motivators and dissatisfiers, and provides concrete suggestions for improving physician satisfaction while setting up a foundation to enhance productivity.

Physician burnout has three core components – emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and a low sense of personal accomplishment. It is estimated that close to half of physicians today are burned out. Burnout is associated with depression, substance abuse, suicide, and divorce, as well as reduced patient satisfaction and quality.

Understanding core motivators that affect physician satisfaction is essential to enhance the work environment to support physicians. We all have intrinsic and extrinsic motivators that contribute to our job satisfaction. The intrinsic motivators for physicians are the “Why I went to medical school.” A typical physician finds satisfaction in providing high quality care, learning and discovery, delivering excellence and “making a difference.” Certainly, all healthcare organizations value these core elements, which are often highlighted in mission statements. However, is it possible that these values are not communicated and reinforced frequently enough to providers? Instead, is communication from business lines focused on regulations, revenue, quality reports, and the multitude of demands facing healthcare today? Organizations should step back and commit to a balance of communications focusing on business imperatives and embracing, highlighting, and recognizing its core mission.

In addition, business units should be aware of these attributes when working with physicians. For example, the revenue cycle team may think of EHR documentation as a tool to support compliant coding and charge capture. However, physicians value their documentation as a mechanism to share clinical information with their colleagues to enhance patient care, and view coding and charge capture as a burden. It is important for coding experts and the billing staff to acknowledge and reinforce documentation’s core purpose when working with physicians.

Let’s move on to external motivators that affect physician satisfaction. These factors include autonomy, resources, community, leadership, and appreciation.


Autonomy should be broken into three areas – financial, environmental, and clinical. We have come a long way from the independent physician running their own practice, determining how hard they want to work, where they work, who works in their practice, and the care that they deliver. Today, many physicians work in practices managed by administrators and arrive for their assigned session hoping that the same medical assistant is there to support them. Standardization is essential for efficiency. No longer are diplomas or family pictures hanging in exam rooms. Physicians have lost their environmental autonomy.

Although physicians can impact their earning potential through specialty selection, many physicians are now salaried with only minimal ability to control their earnings. Overall, they have lost their financial autonomy as well.

Finally, they are losing their clinical autonomy in having to deal with quality programs reports, guidelines protocols, and prior authorizations. We are telling physicians that the quality of care they provide, without these programs, is inadequate. Given that a typical physician spends a decade on education and training, we should be careful when communicating these programs and requirements, as they can be perceived as insults. When working with physicians and asking them to change behavior, it is important to be aware that autonomy is important and standardization is not cherished. Prioritizing those activities that truly require standardization and presenting the value of standardization is critical.


Unfortunately, with the complexity of healthcare increasing, tasks falling onto physician shoulders have increased. In addition, the EHR, because of increasing documentation requirements and inbox tools, has increased the time physicians spend doing tasks previously done by others. There are numerous opportunities for organizations reduce the administrative burden and increase productivity, including:

  • Clinical workflow and EHR optimization.
  • Virtual scribes.
  • Centralizing access.
  • Appropriate use of clinical support staff.


Although many physicians are independent by nature, the importance of community is often overlooked. Gone are the physician-only lounges and lunch rooms, which were eliminated for political correctness. Dining with colleagues has been replaced with catching up on notes and paperwork before the afternoon session. We have lost sight of the fact that these venues gave physicians opportunities to discuss emotionally and intellectually challenging cases. Physicians no longer have easy access to their colleagues to unburden themselves from the weight of patient responsibility, which, arguably contributes to burnout.

Look for opportunities to reinforce this in the physician community. Consider holding physician team meetings to share information, whether it is coding review, financial reports, or other administrative issues. It provides an opportunity to support physician community as well as learning from one another. While a physician group meeting may be viewed only as opportunity for venting and could potentially be difficult to manage, the venting may, in the end, result in greater buy-in.


While organizations acknowledge needing excellent physician leaders and champions, many physicians do not excel in leadership roles given their autonomous and independent nature. Typical challenges include consensus building, active listening, inspiring, dealing with conflict, and mentoring. Organizations should resist putting the “physician IT geek” in technology roles or solving a productivity reduction request by giving a leadership position. Another common mistake is selecting a physician leader based on how their peers perceive them. While it is vital that their peers respect their clinical leaders, being respected for high quality care, research, or productivity are not necessarily the attributes that make the physician an excellent leader.

Once physicians are selected to be leaders, organizations need to focus on leadership development through external and internal programs. There are numerous external programs available that can provide a boost in learning. However, for larger healthcare organizations, it is advantageous to develop an ongoing internal leadership forum that will provide physician leaders with skills reinforcement and an opportunity to interact with peers in leadership roles across the organization.


Physicians are similar to others in valuing appreciation. Although a full waiting room provides a sense of satisfaction, appreciation from colleagues is very gratifying. While balloons, candy, and flowers may not be appropriate recognition tools for physicians, peer and colleague recognition programs are. Regularly highlighting and celebrating clinical excellence, compassionate caring, teaching, and research should be an integral part of an organization’s culture.

In summary, physician burnout is a real phenomenon that we should all take seriously, particularly in an era of physician shortage. Understanding internal and external motivators of physicians is important when working with physicians. We should reflect on how we work with physicians to make sure our approach taps into their intrinsic motivators. In addition, there are numerous opportunities to create a positive environment to maximize physician productivity and satisfaction.


Nancy Gagliano, MD is CMO at Culbert Healthcare Solutions in Woburn, MA.


Jenn, Mr. H, Lorre

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