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News 7/8/15

July 8, 2015 News 1 Comment

Top News


The White House honors nine individuals who have made strong commitments to advancing Precision Medicine Initiatives at today’s Champions of Change event. Commitments from federal agencies and the private sector – including Flip the Clinic and Get My Health Data – were also recognized. The Administration also took the opportunity to release draft PMI guiding principles in an effort to build privacy into the design of its PMI research cohort.



July 14 (Tuesday) noon ET. “What Health Care Can Learn from Silicon Valley.” Sponsored by Athenahealth. Presenter: Ed Park, EVP/COO, Athenahealth. Ed will discuss how an open business structure and strong customer focus have helped fuel success among the most prominent tech companies and what health care can learn from their strategies.

July 22 (Wednesday) 1:00 ET. “Achieve Your Quality Objectives Before 2018.” Sponsored by CitiusTech. Presenters: Jeffrey Springer, VP of product management, CitiusTech; Dennis Swarup, VP of corporate development, CitiusTech. The presenters will address best practices for building and managing CQMs and reports, especially as their complexity increases over time. They will also cover quality improvement initiatives that can help healthcare systems simplify their journey to value-based care. The webinar will conclude with an overview of how CitiusTech’s hosted BI-Clinical analytics platform, which supports over 600 regulatory and disease-specific CQMs, supports clients in their CQM strategies.

Previous webinars are on the YouTube channel. Contact Lorre for webinar services including discounts for signing up by July 31.

Tweet Chat

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Don’t miss the next #HIStalking tweet chat on July 16 at 1pm ET. Dave Chase (@chasedave) and Leonard Kish(@leonardkish), co-authors of “95 Theses for a New Health Ecosystem,” will host. Stay tuned for discussion topics.

Announcements and Implementations


Healthcare Administrative Partners launches an analytics platform to help practices gain insight into their revenue cycle.


Microwize releases Medisoft Cloud billing software for physician practices. The announcement comes just a few weeks after the Paramus, NJ-based company’s acquisition of healthcare IT services firm Medinet.


Anesthesia Business Consultants develops a new Anesthesia Valet platform to help specialty practices document, analyze, and submit quality data to the Anesthesia Quality Institute’s Qualified Clinical Data Registry database.


Agapé Physical Therapy implements the TotalInsight clinical, financial, and RCM solution from Clinicient across its four clinics in Rochester, NY.

Acquisitions, Funding, Business, and Stock


The Medical Memory raises a $2.1 million seed round led by Provenance Venture Partners. The company will use the funding to expand sales efforts for and development of its video messaging platform, which enables physicians to record and securely share videos of patient visits.


Reps. Diane Black (R-TN), Gregg Harper (R-MS), Mike Thompson (D-CA), and Peter Welch (D-VT) reintroduce the Medicare Telehealth Parity Act of 2015. The bill will move Medicare in three phases to parity between in-person and telehealth coverage, beginning with strategic improvements for FQHCs and remote patient monitoring to reduce hospital readmissions.


Telemedicine startup Curely launches an app after securing $2 million in seed funding earlier this year. Looking to tap into immigrant patient populations, the company has differentiated itself by offering remote consults with physicians from around the world. Its services, which do not yet include prescriptions or diagnoses, are offered in tiers based on session time and messaging activity. 

Research and Innovation


British scholars Sophie Staniszewska and Richard Stephens launch Research Involvement and Engagement, a new journal dedicated to patient engagement in research. (I love the fact that they plan to offer “Plain English Summaries” of contributed works.) Their editorial vision of “nothing about me without me” sounds quite similar to the “No MU without Me” adopted some months ago by health data freedom fighters. It seems the data liberation movement is going global, as the new journal’s board includes members from Canada, Europe, and Uganda.

Sponsor Updates

  • ADP AdvancedMD offers “Become much more productive and profitable with AdvancedInsight” and recognizes winners of its AdvancedBiller awards.
  • Aprima will exhibit at the Michigan MGMA Summer Conference July 16 in Boyne Falls.
  • Clockwise.MD graduates from the Atlanta Tech Village.


JenniferMr. H, Lorre, Dr. Jayne, Dr. Gregg, Lt. Dan

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News 7/7/15

July 7, 2015 News Comments Off on News 7/7/15

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Emdeon will acquire Altegra Health for $910 million. It will combine Altegra’s risk adjustment and quality analytics with its Intelligent Healthcare Network-branded RCM and payment solutions. Emdeon’s last big acquisition took place in November 2014, when it bought healthcare engagement and transparency company Change Healthcare for $135 million.



July 14 (Tuesday) noon ET. “What Health Care Can Learn from Silicon Valley.” Sponsored by Athenahealth. Presenter: Ed Park*, EVP/COO, Athenahealth. Ed will discuss how an open business structure and strong customer focus have helped fuel success among the most prominent tech companies and what health care can learn from their strategies.

Previous webinars are on the YouTube channel. Contact Lorre for webinar services including discounts for signing up by July 31.

* Thanks to the eagle-eyed readers who let me know yesterday that I had mistakenly posted Todd Park’s photo instead of his brother’s. Mr. H’s punishment was swift – thankfully, raps on the knuckles from his editorial yardstick of shame were minimal. I’m happy to have readers that aren’t afraid to keep me honest.

Tweet Chat

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Don’t miss the next #HIStalking tweet chat on July 16 at 1pm ET. Dave Chase (@chasedave) and Leonard Kish(@leonardkish), co-authors of “95 Theses for a New Health Ecosystem,” will host. Stay tuned for discussion topics.

Announcements and Implementations

Puerto Rico-based Fajardo Imaging selects AbbaDox Rad cloud technologies from IDS, including EHR, RIS, and referring physician portal. The new suite of tools will no doubt help solo radiologist Diana Fernández-García, MD breathe a little easier

DataMotion launches a Web Services API program to offer easy integration of its Direct secure messaging and SecureMail services into third-party solutions.

Portland, OR-based health information network OCHIN selects Oregon HIE CareAccord as its provider of Direct secure messaging services.


XLNTBrain Sport offers subscribers of its sports concussion management technology the ability to send EHR-compatible reports on concussion history, recovery progress, and other relevant data to physicians.


ICD-10 Charts offers physician practices a series of free training resources, including the ICD-10 Charts Training Academy and 4 Step ICD-10 Implementation Plan.

Acquisitions, Funding, Business, and Stock


Healthcare analytics startup Picwell raises $4 million in a round of equity financing led by MassMutual Ventures. The Philadelphia-based company will use the funding to expand operations and ramp up its consumer-friendly health plan advisory tool.

CVS Health quits the US Chamber of Commerce over “revelations that the chamber and its foreign affiliates were undertaking a global lobbying campaign against antismoking laws.” CVS ceased selling tobacco products in its stores last year. The chamber finds itself in a pickle, given that four healthcare companies serve on its board – all with antismoking programs.

Research and Innovation

A Manhattan Research study finds Epocrates to be the top clinical app on smartphone or tablet among the 3,000-plus US physicians surveyed, who also noted they are now spending over three hours daily on EHR documentation.



Ellen Purdy (Markel Corp.) joins Office Practicum as CFO.



Renal Ventures Management selects telemedicine technology from Authentidate for remote monitoring of certain dialysis patients. The dialysis services provider will begin rolling out the software in the third quarter of 2015 and will incorporate it into its RV CARE program, which aims to improve clinical outcomes within the first 120 days of dialysis treatment.

Delaware Gov. Jack Markell signs legislation into law requiring payers to reimburse physicians for telemedicine services at the same rate as for in-person visits. The law, which will go into effect in six months, is designed to help alleviate the state’s shortage of specialists trained in the treatment of neurological disorders like Parkinson’s disease.



Windsor, Ontario-based Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare invites prospective patients to take a 20-question Internet addiction survey (online, of course) to help them determine if the clinic’s 21-day treatment program is their next best step. While not yet formally classified as a mental health disorder, HDGH Counselor Shawn Rumble explains that, “We’re not going to wait for the industry to catch up to come to a common consensus on whether Internet addiction is real.”


JenniferMr. H, Lorre, Dr. Jayne, Dr. Gregg, Lt. Dan

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5 Questions with John Shufeldt, MD CEO, MeMD

July 7, 2015 News Comments Off on 5 Questions with John Shufeldt, MD CEO, MeMD

John Shufeldt, MD is CEO of MeMD, a Scottsdale, AZ-based telemedicine company that serves patients in all 50 states via a board-certified network of 304 providers. With a background in urgent and emergency care, Shufeldt founded the company to offer patients timely and affordable access to quality healthcare for minor ailments.


How do you see telemedicine fitting into the greater ecosystem of urgent and primary care?
Primary care practices can benefit in the same ways urgent care practices can. Telemedicine offers both the chance to widen their reach (to patients) and their available hours (potentially up to 24/7 coverage). It can also be more cost efficient, especially in the modern age of ever increasing healthcare insurance deductibles. Finally, telemedicine allows a practice to fully embrace the latest, widely available technology in the delivery of patient care including computers, the Internet, and mobile devices (both smartphones and tablets).

In addition, a primary care provider can offer a more cost-effective solution for chronic-disease monitoring and care by utilizing telemedicine. When three out of every four US healthcare dollars are spent on the care and management of chronic disease (e.g., diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, lung disease, stroke, etc.), the opportunity to bend the cost curve with telemedicine in these settings (e.g., avoiding unnecessary hospitalizations), is enormous.

How do you hope to differentiate the company from larger players such as Teladoc and American Well?
MeMD’s differentiators include efficient customer service delivered through care coordination; comprehensive policies and procedures and evidence-based pathways for improved patient outcomes; claims processing and group level reporting; and the ability to maximize patient access through single sign-on technology.

How did the Indiegogo campaign go to help the company develop a mental health platform? 
While Indiegogo is a great platform for launching a number of tech products and goods, it didn’t seem to lend itself to a more conceptual service offering. Despite this, we are moving ahead with the development of our own behavioral health platform.

Why did MeMD want to get involved with the Indiana Health pilot program? What are the program’s goals, and how will the outcome affect MeMD’s future?
This telemedicine pilot allows MeMD to participate in providing high-quality, cost-effective, and well-liked patient care (i.e. patient satisfaction) in the state of Indiana without the need for a prior, live patient evaluation. Many states already allow this practice and it has been proven to be very successful. Being on the cutting edge of this practice in Indiana will allow MeMD to participate in the positive changing of Indiana’s healthcare future, while giving us a head-start building a reputation for high-quality and affordable care in the state.

How do you see the company evolving within the next five years?
We will continue to evolve by adding services and expertise to our suite of offerings in direct response to consumer demands. To that end, we plan on partnering with other forward-leaning providers so that, together, we can change the care-on-demand landscape both nationally and internationally.


JenniferMr. H, Lorre, Dr. Jayne, Dr. Gregg, Lt. Dan

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News 7/6/15

July 6, 2015 News 2 Comments

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CMS and the AMA announce efforts to help providers prepare for and weather the switch to ICD-10 on October 1, including the appointment of an ICD-10 Ombudsman to answer questions about claims submissions. The organizations will partner to provide on-site training, webinars, educational articles, and national calls to help physicians learn about the updated codes and prepare for the switch. CMS also made clear that it will, as appropriate, drop physician penalties, authorize advance physician payments, and hold back on issuing claims denials.

HIStalk Practice Announcements and Requests


The latest HIStalk poll – “Have you as a patient used a provider’s portal within the past 90 days?” – brings to mind my labor-intensive attempts to collect my medical records for a new PCP, which is making the transition from independent practice to hospital-owned medical group. Despite the fact that I signed up for their portal a few years ago via a former in-network PCP, I’ve been asked to set up a new PHR account from the same vendor, making me wonder if they plan to merge my past and future medical records or if that will fall into my lap. I’ve met the CIO of the health system, and she’s definitely made a name for herself and the organization when it comes to rolling out EHRs and portals. I have to wonder, though, how often she’s confronted with patients suffering from “poly-portalitis,” not to mention a lack of experience with this type of technology. 



July 14 (Tuesday) noon ET. “What Health Care Can Learn from Silicon Valley.” Sponsored by Athenahealth. Presenter: Ed Park, EVP/COO, Athenahealth. Ed will discuss how an open business structure and strong customer focus have helped fuel success among the most prominent tech companies and what health care can learn from their strategies.

Previous webinars are on the YouTube channel. Contact Lorre for webinar services including discounts for signing up by July 31.

Tweet Chat

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Don’t miss the next #HIStalking tweet chat on July 16 at 1pm ET. Dave Chase (@chasedave) and Leonard Kish (@leonardkish), co-authors of “95 Theses for a New Health Ecosystem,” will host. Stay tuned for discussion topics.

Announcements and Implementations


Office Ally expands its OA-Rx e-prescribing tool to include controlled substances.

Acquisitions, Funding, Business, and Stock


Garden City, NY-based Millenium Healthcare signs a Letter of Intent to acquire HealthPath, a vendor of cloud-based software that helps streamline annual wellness visits. The deal is expected to close by the end of the month.

Government and Politics

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Former Johnson & Johnson executive LaVerne Council is sworn in as assistant secretary for information and technology and CIO of the VA. She takes over from Stephen Warren, who will return to his role as principle deputy assistant secretary for IT. David Shulkin, MD (Morristown Medical Center) is also sworn in as under secretary for health.



Telehealth startup eVisit wins the Spring 2015 Arizona Innovation Challenge, beating out 137 applicants to win $250,000. The Gilbert, AZ-based company, which just released its first mobile app, has raised over $1 million to date.


Researchers find no difference in ulcer-related amputations and ulcer healing between diabetic foot ulcer patients monitored via telemedicine versus outpatient clinic visits. The Danish study of 736 patients did find that those in the telemedicine group had a higher mortality rate, no doubt fueling the need for further study.


Iowa becomes the 10th state to enact the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact, which will establish a voluntary process to streamline the licensing process for physicians looking to practice medicine in multiple states. 



And I thought Mr. H was critical: A British business magazine gives Nuance low marks for its marketing material, grammatically picking apart hazy claims that the company’s product can ‘realise the potential of your EHR system with voice solutions to alleviate clinician workload & improve patient care while migrating to a paperless process.’ The author provides no link to the offending material, so I can’t be sure if problems arise from a lack of HIT understanding or failure to explain in clear English (British or American) what service the product delivers.

Athenahealth CEO Jonathan Bush takes to TechCrunch to coin catchy phrases like “DIY Disruption” and the extremely tweetable “digital healthcare is sexy hot.” Bon mots aside, Bush points to startups like Clockwise.MD and Health Gorilla as businesses poised to save physicians time and money.

New Mexico resident Kenneth Adams, MD takes to his local op/ed column to explain the plight of physicians in light of ICD-10, turning a flowery phrase when he describes the impending transition as a “quintessential example of tilting with windmills as the vested corporate interests of the insurance industry and hospitals have greased our Congress to ensure this bill does not pass. However, I do not want to ‘go gently into that good night.’” Something tells me the CMS/AMA resources announced today will do little to soothe his angst.


JenniferMr. H, Lorre, Dr. Jayne, Dr. Gregg, Lt. Dan

More news: HIStalk, HIStalk Connect.

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News 7/1/15

July 1, 2015 News Comments Off on News 7/1/15

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Teladoc goes public today with shares priced this morning at $19, ending at $28.50 and generating estimated gross proceeds of $180 million. The company, rumored to have recently enlisted the services of a Washington, D.C. lobbying firm, also announced its services are now available in Idaho, which passed the Idaho Telehealth Access Act back in April.


July 14 (Tuesday) noon ET. “What Health Care Can Learn from Silicon Valley.” Sponsored by Athenahealth. Presenter: Ed Park, EVP/COO, Athenahealth. Ed will discuss how an open business structure and strong customer focus have helped fuel success among the most prominent tech companies and what health care can learn from their strategies.

Previous webinars are on the YouTube channel. Contact Lorre for webinar services including discounts for signing up by July 31.

Acquisitions, Funding, Business, and Stock

Genesis Healthcare becomes a value-added reseller of Azalea Health, and will offer its RCM and billing services through Azalea’s EHR and PM software.


Startup Health issues its mid-year report on digital health funding for startups, reporting 226 deals and $2.8 billion in funding thus far. Total funding is about $600 million less than the same period in 2014. Subsectors that raked in the most money include wellness/benefits, patient/consumer experience, and big data/analytics.

Announcements and Implementations


ADP AdvancedMD launches a patient relationship management suite that includes check-in kiosk, automated patient forms, and patient portal.


The Immune Deficiency Foundation releases a mobile app for its ePHR, a personal health record that enables primary immunodeficiency patients and caregivers to electronically track health data such as medications, diagnoses, and symptoms.

Government and Politics

CMS releases the latest round of Open Payments data, the first full year of reporting since the database launched in 2013. The agency received 11.4 million disclosures from 1,444 companies for payments made last year, which adds up to $6.49 billion paid to over 600,000 physicians and 1,121 teaching hospitals.



The Center for Rural Health Innovation will launch its Health-e-Schools telehealth program at six public schools in Burke County, N.C. at the start of the 2015-2016 school year. The program, made possible by a two-year grant from the Duke Endowment Grant Project, will provide a physician, nurse practitioner, and telemedicine equipment to serve the elementary and middle-school students.

Research and Innovation


The Canadian Partnership Against Cancer launches a research portal that includes health and biological data from 300,000 Canadians. Researchers will have access to health and lifestyle surveys, outcomes data, and biological samples from citizens who will be observed for between 20 and 30 years. CPAC anticipates the data will be used to conduct long-term population health studies in Canada and beyond.


JenniferMr. H, Lorre, Dr. Jayne, Dr. Gregg, Lt. Dan

More news: HIStalk, HIStalk Connect.

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