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5 Questions with Humayun Chaudhry, DO President/CEO, Federation of State Medical Boards

June 16, 2015 News Comments Off on 5 Questions with Humayun Chaudhry, DO President/CEO, Federation of State Medical Boards

Humayun Chaudhry, DO joined the Federation of State Medical Boards as president and CEO in 2009. Prior to FSMB, he practiced in New York for many years, and still maintains a medical license in the state. In addition to his current position, Chaudhry also serves as a clinical associate professor of internal medicine at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School in Dallas.

Chaudhry, FSMB staff, and the Council of State Governments provided support and resources during the development of the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact, an initiative driven by state medical board representatives that aims to streamline the process of medical licensure across state lines. Nine states have enacted the compact, triggering formation of the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Commission, which will develop and administer the interstate licensing process.


Did the FSMB realize when the Compact was created last year that it would be a driving force behind telemedicine adoption across the country?
One of the anticipated benefits of the Compact has been that it will increase access to telemedicine services by making it easier for physicians to practice telemedicine across state lines.

Did you expect that it would be triggered this quickly?
Many medical boards have been very supportive of the concept of the Compact since boards first gathered in early 2013 to explore various pathways in which states could expedite multi-state licensure. This early enthusiasm continued as the framework of the Compact was developed over the next 18 months. Given this strong support, we anticipated the Compact would be established relatively quickly once the framework was in place.

What are the next steps as far as the Compact Commission and its work moving forward? Who will be involved?
We anticipate that the transition period for the Compact to become operational will be 12 to 18 months. The Interstate Commission will meet later this year and establish various committees to draft the bylaws, rules, and processes that will be used by participating states as they begin expediting licensure for eligible physicians, create the technical infrastructure necessary to facilitate licensure, and perform necessary outreach.

The Interstate Compact Commission’s membership will be comprised solely of representatives from states that have enacted the Compact legislation. The FSMB will have no formal role on the Commission. It will continue to be available to provide support when requested by the Commission.

Do you have an idea of what this new, streamlined licensure process will look like? How long do you think it will take to develop?
Many details on how the Compact will actually operate will be worked out by the Interstate Commission in the months ahead. In general, physicians eligible to participate in the Compact would designate a member state as the state of principal licensure and select the other member states in which a medical license is desired. The state of principal licensure would verify the physician’s eligibility and provide credential information to the Interstate Commission. The Interstate Commission would then collect applicable fees and transmit the physician’s information and licensure fees to the additional states. Upon receipt in the additional states, the physician would be granted a license. The Compact would substantially reduce the time it takes to receive multiple licenses. As soon as eligibility is verified and fees are transferred, additionally selected states would issue a full and unrestricted license to the physician. Interested physicians can find more information at

What are the FSMB’s ultimate goals for the compact and the physicians it will serve?
The FSMB’s goal is to continue to support the state medical boards as they work to make the Compact operational. Our hope is that the Compact will help the states achieve expedited multi-state licensure, facilitate access to telemedicine services, and increase access to care in underserved areas.


JenniferMr. H, Lorre, Dr. Jayne, Dr. Gregg, Lt. Dan

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News 6/15/15

June 15, 2015 News 3 Comments

Top News


Aledade raises a $30 million Series B funding round led by Arch Venture Partners with additional investment from Series A investor Venrock. The company, which made the announcement on its first anniversary, will use the hefty infusion of cash to continue building software for partner practices, create new ACOs and expand existing ones, develop value-based arrangements with commercial payers, and expand its workforce. Given that the company is just a year old, I wonder how it will avoid falling into the typical startup trap of growing too big, too fast. CEO Farzad Mostashari, MD offers this explanation: 

“Both our rate of growth and the amount of this funding round were driven by the demand we’ve seen across the country for our unique ACO model – and for the expertise our team is bringing to the table. But we’re extremely conscious of growing in a way that maintains the concierge medicine-level of engagement we want with our partner practices, and their patient populations. We’re putting in place structured customer feedback mechanisms, and taking full advantage of the scaling power of cloud-based analytics and technology tools. But at the end of the day it comes down to talent. We’ve built an all-star team of health care policy, technology, and regulatory experts at Aledade – and that team has been foundational to our success so far.  We’ll be doing a lot of hiring over the next several months – data scientists, engineers, and business and operations staff.  But for every new team member we bring on, we’ll be asking ourselves the same questions we have since day one: Does this person share our North Star? Do they want to help primary care doctors lead the biggest transformation in healthcare we’ve seen in this country in generations? If we stay true to that mission, and bring on individuals who share it, we’re confident that we’ll maintain the same – or better – level of service and success for our partners.”

HIStalk Practice Announcements and Requests


Did you know June is National Migraine Awareness Month? I didn’t until an intrepid PR staffer sent me an email alert about it and the iHeadache app developed by neurologist Brian Loftus, MD. Given that I suffer from them maybe a half dozen times a year, I don’t know how much I’d benefit from using it, though I know of one close family member – and chronic sufferer – whose interest might be piqued.


One of my favorite radio stations honors ER and urgent care workers as Work Day Heroes. It’s a nice idea, given that these types of clinicians don’t have the opportunity to establish long-term rapport with their patients and probably aren’t the recipients of hand-drawn thank you notes and new baby photos from grateful patients and parents.


June 30 (Tuesday) 11:00 ET. “Value Based Reimbursement – Leveraging Data to Build a Successful Risk-based Strategy.” Sponsored by McKesson. Presenters: Michael Udwin, MD, executive director of physician engagement, McKesson; Jeb Dunkelberger, executive director of corporate partnerships, McKesson. Healthcare organizations are using empowered physician leadership and credible performance analysis to identify populations, stratify risk, drive physician engagement, and expose opportunities for optimized care. Attendees will learn best practices in laying a foundation for developing a successful risk-based strategy.

Acquisitions, Funding, Business, and Stock


CVS acquires Target’s retail clinic and pharmacy business for $1.9 billion. CVS will rebrand the Target operations under its MinuteClinic and CVS/pharmacy names, and anticipates opening an additional 20 Target-based MinuteClinics within the next three years. The companies will also develop up to 10 smaller TargetExpress stores, each including a CVS pharmacy.


Catalia Health secures $1.25 million in seed funding from Khosla Ventures and other investors. The personal robotics and chronic-disease management company will use the funding to scale up development of its Mabu Personal Healthcare Companion, including putting its first robots on the market by the end of 2015.

Announcements and Implementations


Software company ThoughtWorks partners with nonprofit Save the Children to develop an open-source EHR for use in highly infectious medical outbreaks such as Ebola. The EHR features an adaptable user interface, catering to healthcare workers in constraining protective gear or those working in less restrictive environments.



Nordic Consulting promotes Abby Polich to VP of affiliate solutions.


Alfred Hamilton (George Washington University) joins CTG as vice president and general manager of its healthcare and life sciences practice.

Government and Politics


ONC releases detailed information on every healthcare professional who attested to the Medicare Meaningful Use program since its inception through April 2015. The massive file includes national provider identifier numbers, details related to when and what stage of MU attesters achieved, and the EHR vendor and product (including certification year) used to attest.


And speaking of MU … EPs have until midnight tonight to comment on the proposed rule from CMS that would modify MU standards for the next several years, including the hot-button issue of eliminating nearly all patient engagement measures. MGMA is a big fan of the proposed rule, which it believes will “decrease the administrative burden for EPs already participating in the program and increase the number the EPs joining the program for the first time.”

This article highlights the shady privacy practices of the government data warehouse used to store information indefinitely on consumers who have registered at, even those that didn’t sign up for coverage.

Research and Innovation


MetaOptima debuts the MoleScope at the World Congress of Dermatology in Vancouver, offering physicians and consumers a microscope attachment for smartphones that allows them to take, store, and share images of moles and other suspicious skin lesions.

PatientsLikeMe and the FDA agree to collaborate on research that will determine how patient-reported data can offer new insights into drug safety. The FDA will now be able to access and analyze data from the 350,000 PatientsLikeMe member network, including 110,000 adverse event reports on 1,000 medications.


Iowa passes legislation allowing a first-time patient visit over telemedicine if the standard of care doesn’t demand an in-person visit.


The local paper profiles John Shufeldt, MD and his Scottsdale, AZ-based MeMD telemedicine company. The state of Indiana recently joined the roster of MeMD’s service locations as part of a pilot project to test the telemedicine waters. State officials will decide this fall after the pilot concludes whether or not to allow virtual appointments between physicians and patients with no previous in-person relationship.



I can’t decide whether this is creepy or useful: Plastic surgeon Carrie Stern launches MirrorMe3D to offer prospective clients 3-D renderings of how surgery could impact their features. Printouts range from $60 to $300 for a full-sized head. 

The American Medical Association passes a proposal that calls for the AMA to create ethical and professional guidelines for media doctors such as Dr. Oz, whose evidence-lacking claims reach millions of TV viewers who aren’t aware of his paid endorser status and his off-center positions on scientific topics. The AMA will also issue guidelines disciplining unethical media doctors through existing channels such as state licensing boards and medical societies.

Sponsor Updates

  • Medicity recaps its HIStalk webinar, “Successful HIEs DO Exist: Best Practices for Care Coordination.”
  • Billian’s HealthData offers an Essentials licensing tier of its market intelligence database that includes key hospital and health system executives.
  • Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta goes live with Clockwise.MD in its urgent care centers, allowing patients to reserve their spot in line and receive wait time updates.
  • Versus Technology offers “How Your Hospital can Easily Track Nurse-to-Patient Ratios.”
  • Greenway Health chooses Talksoft as Partner of the Month for June 2015.
  • Nordic Consulting focuses on intervention in the latest episode of The HIT Breakdown podcast series.


JenniferMr. H, Lorre, Dr. Jayne, Dr. Gregg, Lt. Dan

More news: HIStalk, HIStalk Connect.

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Population Health Management Weekly Wrap Up 6/12/15

June 12, 2015 News Comments Off on Population Health Management Weekly Wrap Up 6/12/15

Top News


Raleigh, N.C.-based PredictifyMe lands $1.25 million in venture capital funding. The startup is prepping the debut of its predictive analytics platform for retailers, insurance, education, and healthcare companies. Its yet-to-be-released Hourglass Healthcare tool aims to build consumer profiles by aggregating their healthcare data with environment, consumer expenditure, buying habits, lifestyle triggers, and location and then rank them for associated risks with major illnesses.

Acquisitions, Funding, Business, and Stock


The Advisory Board Co. awards a $75,000 BUILD (Bold, Upstream, Integrated, Local, and Data-Driven) Health Challenge grant to an alliance of local organizations in Springfield, MA to help improve the health and wellbeing of residents in the underserved neighborhood of Old Hill. The Healthy Hill Initiative funds will be earmarked for projects in six areas including public health, healthcare, and health data. The Challenge will award up to $7.5 million in financial awards and low-interest loans over two years to support up to 14 community-driven efforts.

Tennessee-based Mountain States Health Alliance and Wellmont Health System officials create four community work groups to provide public input as the two organizations explore integrating their services. Findings from the work groups, which include population health, will be used to create a health needs assessment that will drive future initiatives including accountable care.

Announcements and Implementations


Accountable Care Medical Group (FL) chooses HealthEC’s population health management solution.


Greater Rochester Independent Practice Association (NY) integrates DataMotion’s Direct Secure Messaging with Infor’s Cloverleaf Cloud HIE to improve population health capabilities.

Research and Innovation

Researchers at New York University’s Langone Medical Center’s Division of Medical Ethics point out that that the use of EHRs as the primary source of data for NIH’s precision medicine initiatives poses unique concerns. They cite the unlikelihood of the initial precision medicine cohort to see the same physicians over an extended amount of time, as well as the fact that many patients in underserved communities receive sporadic care via ERs or free clinics. Interoperability also rears its ugly head: “This is a quaint but antiquated picture of medicine,” they explain. “PMI requires a centralized electronic record system to be most effective, but it has done nothing (yet) to streamline the hodgepodge system it currently relies on.”


The South Korean government is enforcing the quarantine of over 2,300 citizens exposed to Middle East respiratory syndrome by tracking their cell phone locations.

Computerworld takes a fresh look at the changing face of healthcare, coining a new (to me) acronym in the process. SMAC refers to social, mobile, analytic, and cloud technologies that are beginning to drive self-care and predictive health strategies. As former executive director of innovation and advanced technologies at Kaiser Permanente Faye K. Sahai, explains, “When you look at social determinants of health, the doctor, hospital, and clinic are just a small percentage. It’s really more about how you eat, sleep, your environment, and genetics.”


In a pro-ACA (and ACO) editorial, Mercy Health (OH) executive John Starcher cites registries and tracking tools as key components of the health system’s population health initiatives. The organization’s Mercy Health Select ACO, the first in Cincinnati, manages 75,000 patients.


JenniferMr. H, Lorre, Dr. Jayne, Dr. Gregg, Lt. Dan

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News 6/11/15

June 11, 2015 News Comments Off on News 6/11/15

Top News


Results from an Arkansas Medical Society survey paint a grim picture of physician preparedness for the switch to ICD-10 on October 1. Of 95 clinics surveyed, only 16 percent are prepared to implement the classification set today, while 30 percent firmly believe they won’t be ready by October. AMS Executive Vice President David Wroten has made no secret of his frustration with the switch: “It’s not going to save the health care system one penny. It’s not going to improve health care services one iota. There’s no benefit to the patient. There’s not benefit to the institution. The only benefit this is for are researchers and number-crunchers, yet we’re the ones having to pay for it.” Wroten and his colleagues are in favor of a one- to two-year grace period where providers would not be penalized if they haven’t made the switch.

Tweet Chat


Today’s #HIStalking tweet chat, hosted by Carly Medosch (@CarlyRM), was fun and informative. My favorite tweet came from @MayoInnovation in response to Q4: What’s a surefire way for the healthcare system to make you want to disengage? Check out the recap here

Acquisitions, Funding, Business, and Stock


Healthcare business process outsourcing company MiraMed acquires Plexus Management Group, a consulting and PM business, and Plexus Information Systems, an anesthesia information management systems vendor, for an undisclosed sum. MiraMed anticipates the businesses will complement its Anesthesia Business Consultants subsidiary.

Forbes takes a look at companies poised to make a big splash in healthcare over the next 12 to 18 months, noting that Walmart is poised to have a disruptive impact in primary care thanks to its attempts to accelerate low-cost consumerization of care.



Perry Wallack (Cornerstone OnDemand) joins the Kareo Board of Directors.

Announcements and Implementations


Multispecialty medical group ABQ Health Partners (NM) commits to a second pilot with Augmedix, the Stanford startup that utilizes the Google Glass platform to populate EHRs with data captured from real-time streaming of physician visits. An initial pilot last year with five physicians found that the technology saved each two hours a day.



Brain Injury Services of SWVA will use a grant from Wounded Warrior Project to establish the Community Living Connection (CLiC) telemedicine program for veterans with traumatic brain injury. CLiC for Vets will combine cognitive rehabilitative exercises with practical skills, and offer information on available benefits and resources to advance personal goals and reintegration into the community.


Buffalo, NY-based Wegmans grocery story begins a telemedicine pilot project in four stores that will give shoppers access to an iPad to visit with physicians and psychologists when they have questions the pharmacist can’t answer. Clinical expertise will be provided by Doctor on Demand.

Research and Innovation


WEDI goes live with its latest ICD-10 survey in an effort to gauge progress made by health plans, providers, and clearinghouses since its last poll in February.


Prescriptions for a medication regimen to reduce strokes and heart attacks in diabetic patients increased by 40 percent after community health clinics implemented Kaiser Permanente’s ALL quality improvement protocol. The study clinics shared an EHR through nonprofit OCHIN, which added alerts to notify physicians when patients met thresholds to receive medications, and shortcuts to expedite ordering the medications.


Bad news for physician workflow and patient safety: A usability study of 11 EHR vendors finds that three had no user-centered design teams, while only four had "basic" user-centered processes. I’m baffled by the fact that multi-billion-dollar companies haven’t ponied up salaries for this type of expertise.



The Palm Beach Post highlights the success physicians have seen thus far as part of Aledade’s ACO network, including a five-fold increase in vaccine administration thanks to increased patient engagement via patient portals. Aledade CEO Farzad Mostashari, MD also noted an increase in e-prescribing, with the caveat that technology can only do so much when it comes to transforming healthcare. He believes changing payment models and smarter incentives will really be what changes the game.

Thomas Ellis, MD CMIO of ECU Physicians (SC) brushes off the bad vibes of recent op/ed EHR diatribes from Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer, telling consumers:

“We are on the cusp of creating a system that places information directly in front of the provider to allow for better decisions, better communication and ultimately better outcomes for everyone. Providers want this to work and I see more of them engaging in the process as they see the potential. Patients, don’t worry about your provider leaving the medical field because of electronic health records. Instead, be a part of the process, be a part of your health and help providers help you. Sign up for your provider’s patient portal and become more engaged. Providers, keep asking for improvements, share ideas and engage in making the electronic record more user friendly.”

Sponsor Updates

  • E-MDs customer Orlando Heart Specialists (FL) is chosen as one of five sites to pilot the American College of Cardiology SMARTCare ischemic heart disease treatment options program.
  • PerfectServe client Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center is featured on the American Medical Group Association’s premiere of online news program High Performing Health.
  • Leidos Health Vice President and Health Information Privacy and Security Officer Sean Murphy will speak on a panel cybersecurity in healthcare panel at the iHT2 Summit June 16-17 in Washington, D.C.


JenniferMr. H, Lorre, Dr. Jayne, Dr. Gregg, Lt. Dan

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